Happy Hiroshima Day!

Good day all. Today is August 6th, and is the 79th anniversary of the first attempt to get the Imperial Japanese to see the error of their ways, (Messing with America’s boats back on December 7th, 1941 at Pearl Harbor), and surrender.

Sadly, the Japanese didn’t take the hint and on August 9th, 1945, we opened up another can of sunshine on Nagasaki, Japan. Japan finally took the hint and announced, “Ok, we give up.” On September 2nd, 1945, Japan signed the surrender and World War Two finally came to a close.

Since then, morons, moonbats and idiots have said that opening up two cans of sunshine on Japan was not the right way to do things. These ninnies believe that we could blockade Japan and starve them into surrendering. They overlooked the fact that we had already blockaded Japan and pretty much sank anything they had that floated. Almost nothing was getting into the home islands. Japan wasn’t going to quit.

There was a plan to invade Japan. It was called Operation Downfall. The problem with the plan was that the Japanese knew were we would have to land and had been preparing multiple layers of defense. They had also stockpiled thousands of aircraft to use for Kamikaze attacks. The terrain was such that the radar used to great effect at Okinawa was blocked by mountains. The ships would have very little warning.

The Japanese had also changed their targeting tactics for the kamikazes. They wouldn’t be concentrating on battleships and aircraft carriers. They were to go after supply and troop ships. This was not something they had done up to this point in the war. The generally accepted estimates of casualties for the American military was up to 1 million dead and wounded. For the Japanese? It would have been far, far worse.

If you asked any veteran of World War Two about the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they would not shed a single tear. Instead, once they learned about it, they celebrated. It meant the war was over. (Japan announced the surrender shortly after Nagasaki) They knew then they were going to live and go home.

The two bombs killed some 2-300K Japanese. If the United States had invaded. The death toll would have been in the 10’s of millions. Those two weapons ended the bloodiest conflict in human history and literally saved the Japanese people. If you don’t like this post and think that it’s racist, evil and that the United States was wrong? I don’t care.

My father probably would have been transferred to the Pacific from Europe as would have several other family and friends of my parents. The war would have gone on for several more years and we probably would have ended up in a shooting war with the Soviet Union before to long. I am not sorry at all. Instead, I’m going to enjoy the fact that Japan wasn’t turned into a charnel house, and we got Godzilla movies and anime.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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