AFT Union head goes full Trump Derangement Syndrome

Good day all. The American Federation of Teachers is a union run by one Randi Weingarten. This union is notorious for not giving a damn about children and threatening parents. She is the classic hardcore socialist totalitarian and everything that is wrong with American education. She also doesn’t like the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump.

Recently, she went on a full blown TDS rant regarding the election of President Trump and his returning to office. When I say rant, she went right off the deep end. Here are the details from Fox News:

American Federation of Teachers boss Randi Weingarten turned her union’s convention into a political rally Monday as she warned former President Trump could bring fascism and violence to America in a bombastic speech.

Weingarten, who has a history of far-left political rhetoric, spoke at length about American politics and quoted from the “Suffs” musical produced by Hillary Clinton, specifically referencing the lyrics “progress is possible, not guaranteed” from the song “Keep Marching.

Far left? She makes Mao tse Tung look like a right wing conservative.

“The November elections will determine which path we take as a nation. Progress is possible, but so is the eradication of the rights and freedoms we hold dear,” Weingarten said. “It is seldom a dramatic event or attack that lets fascism in the door. The violence comes later, after they are voted in.”

Well, She isn’t wrong, but she’s aiming at the wrong target. It isn’t President Trump and the Republicans who are the ones trying to strip away people’s freedoms and liberties, it’s the Democrats. It looks like Weingarten is once again indulging in that favorite Progressive habit of projecting on others what they want to do.

She began to shout, looking forward to when history books show “that we the people united, mobilized, and voted down this existential threat to democracy and freedom!” 

She then appeared to bounce up and down shouting, “That we continued the march for progress! That we laid the foundation for a better future! And that we sought to create a more perfect union! Progress is possible! Keep marching!”

Weingarten continued on with her ranting and raving and the put up a picture of President Trump and Kackling Kamala Harris. On this picture showing the basic plans of the two candidates. President Trump’s was, of course, showing that he would “Deport millions of migrants.” This is, of course, inaccurate. President Trump has said, and frankly most people agree, that those in the country illegally need to be deported. Migrants in most people’s mind are those who came here legally.

Next was the usual lie about “Tax Cuts for the Rich!” Of course, the tax reform law that President Trump got through was actually a tax cut for the middle class. The rich? They actually got soaked in the high tax states as they lost some of their deductions. It’s been the Democrats who have been trying to raise taxes on the middle class and cut taxes for their donors.

Finally, and I really love this one, the last entry was “Roll back the Biden-Harris Initiatives.” I think every Trump supporter and quite a few others look at that and basically saying:

Weingarten then continued to demonstrate her hated of children with this comment.

Earlier in the speech, she encouraged her audience to imagine a future that included a wide variety of initiatives ranging from the freedom to abort to the freedom to “breathe.”

Not getting into the who abortion thing, (I’ve offered my suggestion which is to make the procedure obsolete), I find it interesting that the head of a union that represent people who teach children basically want children to not exist. I also did a quick check of that incredibly accurate site of all knowledge, Wikipedia and it doesn’t appear that Randi Weingarten actually has any children.

She claimed that she prayed that Trump was changed by his brush with death at the Pennsylvania rally, but argued he is still a selfish and evil man. 

“Does anyone in this room doubt that if Donald Trump is given a choice between what is good for him and what is good for working families, which he would choose?” she asked with a hand to her ear as teachers yelled, “No!” from the crowd.

I think that Weingarten has spent way to much time in her ivory tower bubble world. The economy is trashed thanks to Biden/Harris and people remember how things were under President Trump. The economy was humming along and unemployment was way down, especially for the “Minority” community. (I hate that term minority. We’re all Americans or people who I hope want to become Americans) Once that senile pedophile and the retired prostitute were installed into office, they promptly started destroying high pay jobs in the energy and construction sector.

She also slammed Betsy DeVos, who served as the 11th U.S. secretary of education under Trump, Chris Rufo, who helped popularize the push against Critical Race Theory, and school choice advocate Corey A DeAngelis, who slammed her display as an “unhinged lunatic.”

Weingarten should talk. As for Rufo? He had a response that Progressives, Communists and Democrats have come to hate. He took what Weingarten said and owned it.

Rufo also responded to being singled out in the speech and wrote, “This is awesome.” 

Rufo wasn’t the only one to respond. Corey Dangelis sent out this tweet:

The Progressive, oh who am I kidding? The Communists in the Teachers Unions have all but destroyed a generation of children. The Covid-19 lock-downs, which Randi Weingarten would love to still have in place, (Explain how basically declaring martial law is freedom please), had the side effect of letting parents see just what sort of Marxist crap the “Education professionals” have been shoving down the throats of their children.

They weren’t happy and both of the Teachers unions, (The National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers), have been fighting tooth and nail to strip parents of any say in their children’s education. The Democrats have always backed the teachers unions and the unions have been shipping money to the Democrats.

Now there is a real chance that the Education Department under the Second Trump administration may finally be shut down and all responsibility of educating children returned to the parents and the states. If that happens it will be the beginning of the end of the Education Elite. Randi Weingarten will then be tossed on the ash heap of history, when she belongs. That or put into a mental institution.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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