FBI preparing another censorship campaign

Good day all. Thanks to Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter, Americans found out just how the Deep State working with Big Tech was censoring anyone who said anything against the “Narratives” pushed by “The Government.” Shortly after Musk took over Twitter he brought in some journalists and gave them full access to all internal files. The results were The Twitter Files.

The Twitter files showed just how deeply the FBI and other government organizations were involved with in censoring primarily conservative speech. There have been some hearings on this, but, as usual, not much was done. Now it looks like the FBI is ramping up their censorship machine again. Here are the details from the Federalist:

The FBI is ramping up its censorship efforts ahead of the 2024 presidential election by increasing its coordination with social media companies after having started a quiet operation in February to censor information, according to a recent memo.

A Department of Justice (DOJ) memo dated July 12, 2024, from Associate Deputy Attorney General George D. Turner, states that following the Supreme Court’s decision in Murthy v. Missouri, the Biden administration has sought to censor information it deems to be “foreign malign influence” (FMI) information. That June decision obliterated the First Amendment’s right to free speech.

This isn’t quite accurate. The Supreme Court did screw up. However they didn’t slam the door shut. They used the court’s favorite way to avoid doing their job by saying that Missouri didn’t have standing. It still left the door open for the American Gestapo to once again obliterate American’s constitutional rights.

Following the Supreme Court’s stay in October 2023 of a 5th Circuit injunction restricting the FBI’s collaboration with Big Tech, the DOJ “began developing a standardized approach for sharing FMI information with social media companies that continued to appropriately account for First Amendment considerations,” the memo states.

The last thing the Federal Bureau of Incompetents have any concern about is the 1st Amendment, or these days, any part of the Constitution.

The FBI began using the standard operating procedure in “early February 2024” and “actively sharing FMI threat information with social media companies on a continuing basis,” the memo explains, adding, “As part of that strategy, FBI will resume regular meeting in the coming weeks with social media companies to brief and discuss potential FMI threats involving the companies’ platforms.”

I see that neither the FBI or Big Tech have learned anything. There should be zero communications between them unless something actually illegal or a threat to life and property is found on the platform. (Basically, criminal activity)

The memo further states that the DOJ’s Justice Manual includes a “framework” for the DOJ to follow when deciding whether to “disclose FMI operations” — such as if alleged “foreign influence operations” are purportedly spreading “covert foreign government propaganda or disinformation.”

There are a number of major issues with all this. To begin with, as past history has shown, what the Feds declared to be “Misinformation” and had deleted turned out to be accurate. It just went against the current narratives.

Just weeks before the 2020 presidential election, 51 former “intelligence officials” signed onto a letter falsely suggesting the bombshell Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. The letter was “set in motion” by then-senior adviser to Biden’s campaign Antony Blinken, according to former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morrell.

As we now know, that laptop was genuine and the Bidens are criminals. However, back then the entire Deep State was working to “Get Trump!” and if that laptop were shown as genuine, not only would Biden have have lost beyond the ability for the Democrats to steal the election, he would have been arrested. This was something that the Deep State would not allow to happen, and they had anyone referencing the laptop censored by Big Tech. The FBI finally admitted the laptop was genuine during the Hoovernose Biden gun trial.

Despite the FBI’s knowledge of the laptop’s authenticity, the agency warned social media companies of so-called “Russian propaganda” and “hack-and-leak operations” by “state actors.” Almost immediately, Twitter and Facebook began throttling the reach of the story. Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg later admitted that his platform suppressed the story following the FBI’s warning.

When Twitter was caught censoring by Elon Musk, he bought a large percentage of the shares of Twitter with the goal of getting on the board to find out what was going on and to rectify the situation. Twitter’s management fought back, trying to get Musk to sign NDA’s which he refused to do.

He then announced a flat out hostile takeover. This set off the loons in Twitter, and when Musk got a look at the books, he realized he was overpaying for Twitter. He tried to back out. This is when Twitter got really stupid. He gave them the perfect out and instead they forced him to carry out the purchase. Musk said “OK, fine.”

As soon as the sale closed and he was the owner, Elon Musk started cleaning house. Many of the management that were originally kept on played stupid games. One of them was the General Counsel. James Baker was a former FBI general counsel and actively worked to undermine Elon Musk and to carry out the FBI’s censorship directives. When Musk found out, Baker was shown the door.

Now the FBI is trying again, The problem for them is that Twitter is not playing ball and you now have Truth Social and a few other new Social media platforms that will not comply with the Deep States commands. Add to this the blatant cover-up of what happened regarding the assassination attempt against President Trump, and if things go as we all hope in November, come next year, there may very well be a move to disband the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Additionally, Congress may put forward bills to deal with Big Tech’s blatant disregard for people’s right of Free Speech. (Probably losing their protection under section 230 of the Telecommunications Act) If that happens, the Social Media platforms may have to choose between censoring lawful content on their platforms, (And getting sued), or just acting as a pass through and only removing actual illegal content. (Like kiddie porn) If that happens, they’ll only have themselves to blame.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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