United Nations terrified of the Return of Trump

Good day all. Many foreign nations and organizations are growing more and more concerned that the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, might be voted back into office.

The primary reason that these groups, such as the WEF, NATO and the European Union are worried about a second Trump presidency is simple. Trump refuses to allow these elitists to walk all over him. Another group to be added to the list is the United Nations. They’re very worried over what a second Trump administration might do to that den of thieves and perverts. Here are the details from Fox News:

A recent undercover video showing a United Nations legal affairs employee saying the world body is scared of a Trump presidency is shining a new spotlight on Trump’s policy toward many of the U.N.’s scandal-plagued agencies.

The U.N. Office of Legal Affairs official was recorded on an undercover video stating, “I’m not sure the United Nations as an institution is going to survive a second term by Trump.” The Louder with Crowder podcast conducted the undercover recording and first disclosed it.

One of the things that most Americans agree on is that the United Nations has long outlived any usefulness and that the United States needs to cut off the UN, pull out of it and kick it out of the United States. President Trump is like most Americans.

While the Trump campaign did not respond to requests for comment, as president he was viewed as being very tough on the world body by taking an aggressive posture against U.N. corruption, anti-Americanism and antisemitism while pushing American interests.

The UN has only one interest with regards to the United States. Money. That pack of third world kleptocrats, pedophiles and slave trafficker have been looting the American taxpayers for decades, especially with the collapse of the Soviet Union. When President Trump was in office, he cut off the UN.

Trump stopped funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). Fox News Digital reported in August that the U.N. had been forced to fire nine UNRWA employees over likely involvement in the Hamas massacre on October 7 of nearly 1,200 people in southern Israel, including over 30 Americans.

Likely involvement? There is absolutely no doubt. The IDF has taken out a number of terrorists who were also working with the UNRWA.

Trump withdrew from the U.N. Human Rights Council; the U.N.’s World Health Organization; the U.N.’s cultural organization UNESCO; and the Paris climate agreement.

Sadly, President Trump couldn’t pull us out of the UN. That will require an act of Congress. That is a major problem. None of the Democrats will vote to end our association with the UN and far to many Neocons, RINO’s, TransRepublicans and other globalists are still in office. They won’t do it either even if most Americans say “Get us out now!”

Biden quickly rejoined the U.N. bodies, including the Paris climate deal, that Trump walked away from during his term. However, Biden suspended funds for UNRWA after its role in the Hamas terrorist attack was exposed by Israel.

Anything that the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, did, the worst president* in American history, Joe Biden undid, especially if it did actual harm to the United States and the American People.

In 2021, former Trump U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley warned the White House about rejoining the Human Rights Council, because it is influenced by communist totalitarian regimes like China and Cuba, to name just a few.

“If President Biden truly cared about human rights, he would keep us far away from the cesspool that is the U.N. Human Rights Council,” said Haley at the time.

This was back when Nikki Haley hadn’t completely lost her marbles. She was right of course. In any case, the UN is doing what they do best. Circling the wagons and throwing underlings under the bus.

When asked about the staff member’s comment, Stéphane Dujarric, the spokesman for the U.N. Secretary General, referred Fox News Digital to his comments at his recent press briefing. He said, “The gentleman you refer to is not a senior U.N. official. He is a junior staffer.  From looking at the video, his comments were recorded in what seemed to be in a restaurant private setting without his knowledge. He was not speaking on behalf of the Organization in any way, shape or form.”

Anne Bayefsky, president of Human Rights Voices, told Fox News Digital, “So the U.N. gets caught weighing in on the U.S. election vehemently against Trump and the response is, “Who, me?” she added, “Today’s U.N. has forsaken its original purpose and threatens American fundamental rights and freedoms. One side of the American political spectrum tolerates America-bashing and Israel-hating under the guise of a phantom global messiah, and the other side gets it. Of course, the U.N. is afraid that Americans will get it, too.”

Most Americans do get it. The United Nations makes the old League of Nations look competent and able to get things done. The UN spokesturds may want to deny that this is the “Official” policy of the UN, (Stopping Trump), and it might not be “Official,” but that is exactly what they are all saying internally.

For decades, both parties would basically kowtow to the UN. Now the Republicans are flushing out the old TransNational Globalists who had no problem handing over American Sovereignty to a bunch of Eurotrash elites, as long as they got their cut. Now it’s just the Democrats who will drop their pants and bend over to the United Nations.

Bayefsky concluded, “Obviously the U.N. has a mutual love affair with Democrats: Obama went to the Security Council to adopt the far-reaching and catastrophic Iran deal before bothering to ask Congress; Obama-Harris-Biden joined and legitimized the U.N. ‘Human Rights’ Council – home base for despots and antisemites looking to burnish their human rights credentials while Trump withdrew from it; Obama-Harris-Biden support UNRWA while Trump said no more money for the fake Palestinian U.N. ‘refugee’ agency perpetuating the Arab-Israeli conflict; Obama-Harris-Biden have used the Security Council to bludgeon Israel with resolutions that have never condemned Hamas while Trump repeatedly rejected U.N. ploys to do an end run around American and Israeli sovereignty.”

If things go well in November, then the new administration should seriously look at working with Congress to leave the United Nations and boot them out of the United States. That monument to greed, incompetence and tyranny on the East River should be torn down and something actually useful built on that site. We should lead other countries out of the UN and form a new group. Bring in Israel, Taiwan, and a few other countries that both help us and that we actually like. The rest can rot wherever the new UN Headquarters ends up. The time is now.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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