Jersey Whale throws his immense bulk behind Comrade Kamala

Good day all. For the last few months we have been seeing the so called “Old Guard” of the Republican Party, aka the RINO’s, TransRepublicans and Neocons backing the Democrats over the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump.

The denizens of the Washington Cocktail Circuit, when President Trump gained the nomination, realized that they were going to be pushed aside by both President Trump and those dirty deplorable Ultra MAGA types who didn’t understand that the GOP Elites, who attended all the right schools, were the ones who should be running things.

One of these useless RINO’s was Chris Christie, the former Govno of New Jersey. He tried to con his way into the Trump administration, but President Trump had his number. The one mistake President Trump made was listening to Christie when he recommended Christopher Wray as the new FBI director.

That pretty much sealed the deal with the Republican base and they’ve since kicked the Jersey Whale to the curb. Now that fat tub of Neocon lard has completed his journey into irrelevance. Here are the details from the Populist Times:

Chris Christie Throws Weight Behind Harris, Slams Trump Debate Performance

Well that headline was a nice dig at Christie. He is a fat slob after all.

In a recent appearance on The View, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie advised Vice President Kamala Harris to avoid participating in a second debate with former President Donald Trump. According to Christie, Harris has little to gain from a follow-up encounter with Trump. 

Now that people have had a few days to see how ABC and Disney actually rigged the debate in Harris’s favor, what little bounce she received has faded away. It isn’t helping her that she still won’t actually hold press conferences or tell anyone what her actual policies are. The flat out lies she told are also biting her in her well used ass.

Christie emphasized that Harris’s performance in the first debate was sufficient to demonstrate her competence and advised against risking a less favorable repeat.

Nothing great can happen for her in a second debate. She’ll either do as well as she did this time… or he could do better,” Christie, the Republican former governor of New Jersey, said.  

I didn’t watch the debate. A lot of people started tuning out after the first third when they realized that it was President Trump vs Harris and the two “Moderators.” There is also a report, not yet verified or disproved, that Harris was given the debate questions ahead of time which is why she seemed better prepared.

During his interview on The View, Christie also argued that Trump showed no respect for Harris, contrasting his performance with his treatment of Hillary Clinton during the 2016 debates. 

I should have caught this sooner. I didn’t notice that this fat retard was on ABC’s The View. It explains a few things, especially if it’s show that ABC gave Harris the questions prior to that joke of a debate.

Nothing great can happen for her in a second debate. She’ll either do as well as she did this time… or he could do better,” Christie, the Republican former governor of New Jersey, said.  

Harris didn’t do all that well. In fact she was terrible. She flat out lied a number of times and instead of fact checking her, the Moderators covered it all up and attacked President Trump instead.

During his interview on The View, Christie also argued that Trump showed no respect for Harris, contrasting his performance with his treatment of Hillary Clinton during the 2016 debates. 

If President Trump and Felonia von Pantsuit were to hold a debate today, he would tear her apart. Von Pantsuit actually committed felonies that were covered up by the Obama DoJ. As for Harris? Why would he show that cheap hooker any more respect then she’s shown him, or anyone else for that matter? Harris is cheap communist trash and always has been. The only way she’s gotten ahead is spreading her legs for anyone who could help her.

Chris Christie is not going to vote for President Trump and will probably vote for the Communist ticket thinking it will benefit him. Like all the RINO’s and Neocons, he doesn’t give a damn about the United States, only about himself and his own personal power, prestige and wealth. He is just another irrelevant loser from a time when the GOP was more concerned with losing gracefully then they were winning. He can be safely ignored.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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