Teamsters Union shafts the Democrats

Good day all. During the Republican Convention, the head of the Teamsters Union, Sean O’Brien, was invited to speak. This was very unusual since the Teamsters almost invariably endorse the Democrat candidate. On the other hand, while O’Brien was at the Democrat convention, they decided to not let him speak there.

Recently The Teamsters Union announced that they would not endorse anyone for President this election cycle. Since the Republicans never actually expected the Union to endorse the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, the basic response was:

On the other hand, the Democrats have completely lost their minds over the Teamster not endorsing Comrade Kackling Kamala Harris. Here are the details from Fox News:

Several Democrats responded overnight to news that the Teamsters, under General President Sean O’Brien, decided against issuing a presidential endorsement.

“Unfortunately, neither major candidate was able to make serious commitments to our union to ensure the interests of working people are always put before big business,” O’Brien said in a statement.

Obviously, O’Brien wasn’t really paying attention to President Trump and what he wants to do. Perhaps he should look back at the 2017-2021 time frame and how may jobs were created. (The covid mess was due to bad/corrupt governors and power mad bureaucrats) Many of those jobs were high paying and/or union jobs. (Not all or even most. Unions don’t have the attraction to the workers they once did)

What happened when Biden was installed? He killed 10,000 jobs tied in with the KeystoneXL pipeline and has been destroying energy sector jobs ever since. A lot of those jobs were union jobs too.

Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass. who, like O’Brien, hails from the Boston area, called former President Trump the “most anti-labor president we have ever had.”

“It’s clear that these workers are misinformed or uninformed about Trump’s record on labor,” McGovern told the Washington Times. “His allegiance isn’t toward working people.”

Actually, it’s you who has no allegiance to the working people, just like the rest of the Democrat elites you run with. President Trump may not care much for unions, but he does care about people working.

McGovern, the top Democrat on the House Rules Committee, said it is obvious that Trump supports “rich people” over the working class.

Apparently, the Nevada Teamsters are backing the two communists, unlike the national Teamsters and about 60+ percent of the membership.

Horsford shared that Nevada’s Teamsters councils had bucked the national organization and independently endorsed Harris.

“She’s fighting for us,” Horsford said.

Apparently, there was some sort of bill regarding the Teamster’s pensions. Harris as VP voted in the Senate and broke a tie. I don’t know anything about the bill, however if all the Democrats were for it, it’s probably just another taxpayer bailout. Of course, I’m fine with being shown as incorrect in the comments.

Trump, however, called the non-endorsement of Harris a “great honor” for him.

“They’re not going to endorse the Democrats. That’s a big thing,” Trump said while campaigning in New York City. The GOP nominee added that the internal Teamsters vote showed about 60% of national membership support his bid.

Not endorsing Harris, if I understand how these things work, also means that she won’t be getting any free union support, such as union members being “Voluntold” to main campaign call centers, canvassers and other assorted get out the vote stuff. Individual members can help out the campaign of course, but not the hundreds or thousands of union members providing free labor to the Harris campaign. This has pissed off the Democrats since they consider unions to be “Their” property.

In a more direct shot at O’Brien, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., claimed the national leader has been “boosting Republicans all year while supporting anti-worker, anti-choice Senate candidates.”

Hey Alexandria! How are all those new Amazon workers doing in that corporate HQ they built? Oh wait! I forgot! You helped kill that deal that would have netted millions in taxes and thousands of very high paying jobs.

A spokesman for Harris’ campaign said in a statement reported by multiple outlets that Trump believes striking workers should be fired, while Harris “literally walked the picket line.”

Actually, that is not accurate. I can’t say if President Trump said striking workers should be fired, (Personally, I think if they walk off the job, they can be replaced permanently, but that’s just me) , but Harris wasn’t walking in a picket line. She was however, walking the street, back and forth, waving at cars with single men in them.

I think the union vote, and not just the Teamsters, is going to shock everyone. The damage done to the economy by Biden and Harris has cost tens of thousands of union members their jobs, especially in the energy sector. These people remember how manufacturing jobs started coming back to the United States under President Trump. They also are looking at their bank accounts and grocery bills. There is a reason that 60% of the Teamsters are supporting President Trump. We shall see how all this plays out in November.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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