Harris wants to make all the illegal aliens citizens

Good day all. It’s no secret that the Biden-Harris maladministration has essentially thrown open the borders of the United States and allowed 10’s of millions of illegal aliens into the United States. Thanks to this, many cities and states are on the verge of collapse financially and the crime rates have skyrocketed.

Comrade Kamala Harris has a long history of wanting to hand out American citizenship to all these criminals who couldn’t be bothered to follow the laws on immigrating into the United States. This is not a position that most Americans, both native born and naturalized support. Harris, on the other hand, fully intends to proceed if she gets into office. Here are the details from Fox News:

Vice President Kamala Harris is doubling down on her support for an “earned pathway to citizenship” for illegal immigrants in a new campaign policy page, even as she presents a more muscular approach to border security overall.

“Vice President Harris and Governor Walz believe in tough, smart solutions to secure the border, keep communities safe, and reform our broken immigration system,” the lengthy “issues” page of her campaign website says.

The actual history of these two is dead opposite of what they are claiming. Walz basically allowed Minneapolis be burned to the ground during the “Summer of Fiery Love.” Harris has only started claiming that she will do something to fix the mess she caused as the “Border Czar” since it’s become clear that President Trump actually will do something.

The page itself comes as Harris has faced pressure over her policy positions, both in relation to whether she stands by some of her more radical policy positions from her 2020 presidential primary bid, and to what extent she differs from the President Biden administration.

I made the mistake of following the above link to the Harris-Walz campaign page. I spent about 45 seconds looking for her immigration policy then grew nauseous and rebooted my system to save myself from any further brain deadening contamination.

As a candidate, she supported decriminalizing illegal border crossings, called to shut down immigration detention centers on day one and talked about Immigration and Customs Enforcement starting again “from scratch.”

She’s now denying this of course and the Democrat Propaganda Corps is busily trying to flush all of her previous statements down the memory hole.

After entering office in 2021, the Biden administration put forward a broad immigration reform bill that at its heart had a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants already in the United States. While it failed to move forward after its introduction in the Senate, the administration has repeatedly expressed support for it.

The last time the Federal Government tried to push something like this through was under George W. Bush. (Bush II) It was in his second term and was being pushed to help his friends in the Chamber of Commerce. When people heard about it, they exploded. It failed and if I recall, a few officer holders were booted from office for supporting this.

Since the installation of the worst president* in American history, Joe Biden, the borders to the United States, which had been fairly well secured by the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, were thrown open. Initially, the Biden-Harris maladministration dumped all these criminals into Republican controlled states, such as Texas and Florida.

Texas then decided that since all the Democrat run cities and states were calling themselves “Sanctuaries” and wouldn’t work with ICE to deport these criminals, (And I mean real criminals), they would bus them up to places like New York, Chicago and Martha’s Vineyard. The last one was when the proverbial solid human biological waste material it the rapidly rotating atmospheric impeller device. (The shit hit the fan) Martha’s Vineyard called in the National Guard and booted a plane load of illegals off the island.

“As Vice President, she supported the bipartisan border security bill, the strongest reform in decades. The legislation would have deployed more detection technology to intercept fentanyl and other drugs and added 1,500 border security agents to protect our border,” she said.

That bill failed and for good reason. It didn’t do what they claimed it did. It basically said that something like 5000 criminal aliens to cross illegally into the United States before anything would be done. Once this was found it, people let their representatives know that this was a nonstarter.

She also touted the recent drop in border crossings that came after President Biden signed an executive order restricting the ability of new migrants to claim asylum at the border. 

There was no drop really, outside of weather reasons. (It’s damn hot in Texas) Basically all that EO did was restore a very small part of what President Trump did, and Dementia Joe and Kackling Kamaltoe undid within days of getting into the white house.

“As President, she will bring back the bipartisan border security bill and sign it into law,” it says, before then highlighting that she still wants to see those in the country illegally given a pathway to citizenship.

“At the same time, she knows that our immigration system is broken and needs comprehensive reform that includes strong border security and an earned pathway to citizenship,” it says.

And this demonstrates a number of things. Comrade Kamala Harris either isn’t paying attention to or is ignoring what the majority of Americans want with regards to the Border. They want it locked down and they want the illegal aliens rounded up and deported as rapidly and efficiently as possible. Giving all these criminals citizenship is not on their radar. Her comments on amnesty are also making things worse, not better.

It is the latest expression of support from Harris for an amnesty for many millions of illegal immigrants now in the U.S.

“We do need Congress to act and to do what we know is necessary to fully put the resources into the border and creating a meaningful pathway to citizenship,” she said in June.

President Trump and Senator Vance need to hammer on this. With the situations in Aurora Colorado, where a Venezuelan criminal gang is actually starting to take over sections of the town, and the massive problems with Haitians in Springfield, Ohio, people aren’t just fed up, they are enraged. (Springfield is the small city that generated a thousand terrified cat memes)

If the worst happens in November, and Comrade Kamala Harris and Tampon Tim Walz the deserter manage to sleaze their way into the White House and the Democrats gain full control of Congress, they will promptly move to legalize all the criminals, regardless of what Americans want. I don’t need to lay out what will probably happen after that.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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