Harris campaign and Democrats bringing in foreign political staffers

Good day all. Recently, it looks like the polls are beginning to go against Harris and in favor of President Trump. This has not just the Democrat Elite in the United States going off the deep end, but many foreign governments as well.

One of these countries is the formally great Britain. Recently, they held an election that blew the conservative, of sorts, party out of office and handed things to the Communist Labour party. I’ve been reading that the British electorate is already suffering voters remorse and the Prime Minister’s ratings are lower then the Channel Tunnel.

The Labour Party apparently thinks it’s time to reclaim the “Colonies” for the Empire, and has sent a number of people to “Help” the Harris campaign. Here are the details from the Western Journal:

The British Labour Party is sending approximately 100 current and former staff members to the United States to work for Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign in key swing states.

In a post originally published on LinkedIn calling for more volunteers, Sofia Patel, head of operations for the Labour Party, wrote, “I have nearly 100 Labour Party staff (current and former) going to the US in the next few weeks heading to North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Virginia.”

I have 10 spots available for anyone available to head to the battleground state of North Carolina – we will sort your housing,” she added.

The original post appears to have been deleted after, I suspect, someone told this dimbulb what a really bad idea this was. However, the Progressive Globalist Elites are desperate to “Stop Trump!” and are willing to drag Harris and Walz over the finish line, by their ankles if need be.

The news outlet further noted, “Ex-Labour MP Jonathan Ashworth met with Harris’ closest allies in Chicago in August.”

There are long-standing and deep links between the Labour Party and Democrats. Progressive parties the world over share campaign learnings in elections,” Ashworth explained.

Just as there are historic links between the Conservatives and Republicans. But our Labour Prime Minister has been steadfast in saying he will work with whoever the American people put in the White House,” he added.

I suspect those links grew rather frayed when President Trump won the Election. These days the Reform Party under Nigel Farage appears to be closer to the current Republican Party then the Tories. What they don’t do is send over operatives to interfere in our elections.

The National News Desk pointed out that the Harris campaign appears to be mirroring some of the language Labour employed in its elections earlier this year.

The Labour Party attacked conservatives with slogans like ‘stop the chaos’ and ‘turn the page’ while Harris has used language like ‘we’re not going back’ and ‘it’s time to turn the page,’” the outlet reported.

First, what is it with anyone associated with Biden stealing ideas from the British? Also, leave it to the incompetence of the Harris Campaign to utterly screw it up. The Labour Party was not in power in the last British election, so using the phrase “It’s time to turn the page” makes sense politically. That doesn’t work for Harris and the Democrats since they are the ones in office, and “Turning the page” means dumping her and bringing back the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump.

Switching over to the The National News Desk article:

Reacting to Patel’s post was Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., who suggested via X it was “yet another reason to vote for President Trump.”

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., also weighed in, telling the Labour Party it is breaking Federal Election Commission law.

“Foreign nationals are not allowed to be involved in anyway in U.S. elections,” Rep. Greene wrote via X. “Please go back to the UK and fix your own mass immigration problems that are ruining your country.”

X owner Elon Musk wrote simply “this is illegal” in his own post on the matter.

That doesn’t concern the Democrats. The election laws exist only to aid the Democrat Party and restrict the Republican party.

Other members of the Labour Party appear to be invested in the outcome of the November election. The party’s Chief Operating Officer John Lehal attended the August Democratic National Convention in Chicago, according to several posts on his LinkedIn and X accounts.

I don’t have much of a problem with that, as long as all he did was observe. If he was offering Harris and the Democrats support from the Labour Party, then he needs to spend some quality time with an American jury. Returning to the Western Journal:

Meanwhile, New York Republican Congresswoman Claudia Tenney called it, “More foreign election interference from the Democrats.”

The Democrats have a long history of interfering in foreign elections, the most recent one being the 2015 election in Israel.

Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign national field director, Jeremy Bird, traveled to Tel Aviv to manage the grass-roots operations to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 2015.

It further emerged that the group behind Bird’s anti-Netanyahu effort has received State Department funding and lists the State Department as a ‘partner’ on its Web site,” Marc Thiessen wrote in a Washington Post column at the time.

Honestly, the Israeli Government should have picked this turd up, declared him persona non grata and booted his ass from the country. As I recall, Obama also arranged for funds to go to Netanyahu’s opponent. Considering how the Democrats have pulled off the covers and are now flagrantly showing their hatred of Jews in general and Israel in particular, this wasn’t surprising.

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz and then-GOP Rep. Lee Zeldin of New York wrote a letter to Obama Secretary of State John Kerry expressing concern that American taxpayer money was being used to try to influence the outcome of the Israeli elections.

I have a recollection of all this. As usual, nothing was done. It also worked about as well as everything else that failure Obama tried to do.

Netanyahu and his Likud Party won big in the March 2015 election, despite the Obama-aligned efforts to remove him.

Prime Minister Netanyahu is currently doing well politically in Israel right now due to his moves to finally put an end to Hamas and Hezbollah after the October 7th terrorist attack into Israel. However, once everything is said and done, he may have to step aside due to the massive intelligence failure that allowed the attack to happen in the first place. Until then, he’s going to continue collecting terrorist heads.

For all the hemming and hawing about Russian operatives allegedly spending less than $200,000 in Facebook ads to influence the 2016 election, the Democrats seem to have no problem either giving or receiving foreign assistance to try to achieve their desired election outcomes.

Of course not. As I said before, as far as the Democrats are concerned, the laws don’t apply to them, only to those that stand in their way. As far as I’m concerned, the Democrat Party has long been nothing more than a Continuing Criminal Enterprise. Perhaps the next Attorney General of the United States might take a look at hitting the Democrats with actual RICO charges. (In fairness, he or she would need to investigate the Republicans, but I doubt they would find much)

As for these British snobs? If they’re caught electioneering, and they aren’t United States citizens or legal Resident Aliens, (Long term Green Card holders can’t vote, but they pay taxes and can make their opinions known. Not sure on the legality of campaign contributions though), arrest them, charge them as appropriate, and if convicted, jail them and then deport them once the sentence has been completed. It’s long past time to put an end to this sort of thing.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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