DoJ suing states trying to clear noncitizens from the voter roles

Good day all. This has been going on for about a month or so when the Department of (In)Justice sued Alabama for purging their voter roles of people who couldn’t prove their citizenship. A few weeks later, the Do(I)J went after Virginia for the same reason

The excuse the DoJ is using is that it’s to close to the election. This is a load of manure of course, and the Governor of Virginia fired back at Garland and his stooges. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

Republican Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin hit back at the Department of Justice’s lawsuit against the state over an election reform law that he said was most recently used by previous Democratic state leaders without intervention from the federal government.

“To be clear, this is not a purge. This is based on a law that was signed into effect in 2006 by then-Democrat Gov. Tim Kaine. And it starts with a basic premise that when someone walks into one of our DMVs and self-identifies as a noncitizen, and then they end up on the voter rolls, either purposely or by accident, that we go through a process, individualized – not system, not systematic – an individualized process based on that person’s self-identification as a noncitizen to give them 14 days to affirm they are a citizen,” Youngkin said during an appearance on “Fox News Sunday,” anchored by Shannon Bream.

“And if they don’t, they come off the voter rolls. And by the way, they have one last safeguard, which is they can come and same day register and cast a provisional ballot,” he added. 

So, the law being used has been on the books for almost 20 years. It has been used by Democrat governors in the past and it has built in safeguards including being able to register to vote on the day of the election. So the question is, why now? Why is the Department of (In)Justice suing Virginia and Alabama in their quest to insure that only American citizens vote in the 2024 election?

Youngkin was responding to a DOJ suit filed on Oct. 11 alleging the state, its board of elections and elections commissioner violated a federal law by carrying out an executive order by Youngkin. The order directs municipal and/or state officials to cull names of people who are “unable to verify that they are citizens” to the Department of Motor Vehicles for voter registration purposes.

I don’t see a problem with this and I suspect a large majority of American agree. As to the excuse put out by the DoJ to help the Democrats steal the 2024 election?

The complaint argues federal law says states must complete their maintenance programs no later than 90 days before an election, citing a clause known as the Quiet Period Provision. The complaint notes that voters were identified as possible noncitizens if they responded “no” to questions about their citizenship status on certain forms submitted to the state Department of Motor Vehicles. 

I think that so called law might be of questionable constitutionality. However, it looks like, at least in Virginia, that they are looking at people who ended up registered to vote who said, when they got their driver’s license, that they were NOT citizens of the United States and somehow ended up on the voter rolls. Now its entirely possible that they became naturalized citizens after getting their licenses, and registered to vote. These fine people will have their naturalization documents and can easily prove that they are Americans.

“Back in 2006, the then-Justice Department actually approved of this law and said that it is not only further constitutional, but we have given it thorough review, and we’re OK with you moving ahead with it,” Governor Youngkin said. 

“Now, 25 days last week before the election, a Justice Department decides they are going to bring suit after this law has been in effect for 18 years, administered by Democrat and Republican governors. And this is the reason why I believe that Americans and Virginians wonder what the Justice Department is up to. It’s been in effect for 18 years. It’s been applied universally by Republican and Democrat governors. And now all of a sudden, when Virginia is getting tight… it launches a lawsuit against the Commonwealth of Virginia when we are trying to make sure that citizens vote, not noncitizens,” he said. 

I think we all know the real reason that the Garland DoJ is pulling this stunt. Virginia just might go for President Trump and this is something that Garland and the Democrats can not allow under any circumstances. If this means letting foreign nationals vote for Harris, then so be it.

Youngkin’s executive order cited Virginia code 24.2-439, which requires government registrars to cancel noncitizens’ voter registrations deemed to have been sought under false pretenses. It also cited Virginia Code 24.2-1019, requiring registrars to immediately notify their county or city prosecutor of such situations.

In the case of the prosecutors, they will simply check to see if the person who was registered and isn’t a citizen did so with intent, or if it was done accidentally. From what I’ve seen over the years, 98% of these cases, the individual either didn’t know they were on the voter rolls, or misunderstood something and accidentally enrolled.

As long as they don’t actually vote, it isn’t that much of an issue. In fact, a number of Legal Resident Aliens, when they discovered they were on the voter rolls went to the clerk’s office and said that this was a mistake and please remove them. Very few Legal Resident Aliens actually vote in elections. If they do, it’s a crime and they will go to jail followed by expulsion from the United States, probably forever.

The Republican governor underscored that he is not enforcing a voter roll “purge,” but an “individualized” safeguard system to ensure legal residents are the only people to vote in elections

It sounds like they find a name that is questionable and call them. They aren’t just blowing a few thousand names off the rolls with no confirmation or recourse. There is another interesting little detail that makes this suit by the DoJ look very fishy.

“It had been used within the 90-day quiet period, most recently by Democrat Gov. Terry McAuliffe and Ralph Northam. And they said nothing about it at the time.

Of course not because they were Democrats. This would be another thing that would come up in court. These suits smell to high heaven and I think it’s time for the Attorneys General of the affected states to take action. Empanel a grand jury and indict the Attorney General of the United States, Merrick Garland for election interference and voter fraud. (I’m not a lawyer and I flat out don’t know how this all works and what laws could be used) That would throw a major wrench in the Biden-Harris maladministration, along with the Democrats plans to steal this election.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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