Tag Archives: USA

Days that will live in Infamy

I was away from a computer unable to post anything in remembrance to the Attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941 by the Imperial Japanese navy. Continue reading

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We won’t apologize for being Americans

For almost the entire existence of the United States, the Europeans have been denigrating, insulting and looking down their snobby noses at us. The French have been among the most notorious in this regard. Continue reading

Posted in General, liberty, Moonbat | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Review: Captain America, the First Avenger

Greetings all, Angry Webmaster here. I just got back from seeing Captain America in 3D. Frankly I could do without the 3D, but that was the only show available. Continue reading

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Why is Lindsey Graham still in the Senate?

With the recent riots in the middle east allegedly set off by the burning of a koran, several members of Congress have been saying that Terry Jones should be investigated and that he should be sanctioned in some way. One of the elected members of the United States Senate to say this is Lindsey Graham, (Rino-SC). Continue reading

Posted in liberty, News of the Day | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments