Category Archives: Jobs

Disney being sued over H1B workers

Good day all. About a year or so ago, news started coming out regarding companies that were replacing American workers with imported workers brought in under the H1B visa program. Continue reading

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So much for the Keystone pipeline

Good day all. Last week, King Putt finally killed the Keystone XL pipeline project. In doing so, he also accomplished a few other things as well.

Posted in Economy, Global Warming, Jobs, Just Desserts, Moonbat, News of the Day, Stupidity, Union Thugs | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

John Kasich for Postmaster General!

Good day all. This morning, as I was sleazing my way around the innerwebtubes, I happened upon a column in the American Spectator by Marilia Duffles that was basically nothing more than one big tongue bath for Kasich. Continue reading

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Paul Ryan optimistic on trade agreement

Good day all. Last week, the Obamatrade bill, which would have allowed what is called “Fast Track” status, went down to crushing defeat. Obama, Boehner and McConnell were humiliated by this setback. Rep. Paul Ryan, who was pushing this thing went off the deep end and channeled Nancy Pelosi when she was shoving Obamacare down our throats. Continue reading

Posted in Economy, Jobs, Just Desserts, News of the Day, The Good Idea Fairy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments