Border Patrol to be run by Sanctuary City supporter

Good day all. The next shoe in King Putt’s plan to ruin America is about to drop. He intends to appoint a person to head up the Border Patrol who is a loud and vociferous supporter of Sanctuary Cities.


As you are no doubt aware, many cities run by the Progressive Liberal Fascist Democrats are what have come to be known as “Sanctuary Cities.” These are cities that will not turn over criminal illegal aliens to the Immigration service for deportation, but will release them back into the public to continue their careers in robbery, rape and murder.

The recent elections tossed one Sanctuary City sheriff out of office and North Carolina recently enacted a law to crack down on their Sanctuary Cities. Obama’s answer to this? Appoint someone who will protect Sanctuary Cities. Here are the details from Fox News:

A former San Francisco police chief and vocal supporter of a sanctuary cities policy is on a short list of candidates to become the new chief of the Border Patrol, according to sources. As police chief, Heather Fong shielded illegal immigrants, including aliens who committed crimes, from deportation. In contrast, it is the job of the U.S. Border Patrol to catch and deport all illegal immigrants, including those with a criminal history.


“If they bring (a police chief) in for political purposes based on the sanctuary cities model, that politicizes the job and I think it completely undermines credibility and morale in the organization,” House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Mike McCaul, R-Texas, told Fox News.

“If you have someone who is advocating for sanctuary cities, that’s the opposite side. They welcome these illegal immigrants to stay in the country. And so I think it’s at cross-purpose with the mission itself.”


This is typical of Il Douche. Yesterday a Federal Judge again told Der Fubar that his attempt at Executive Amnesty for Criminal Aliens was unconstitutional. I suspect that he, or at least his minions, expected this decision, and with the crushing defeats of Sanctuary supporters around the country, he plans to put someone in place who won’t enforce the immigration laws. The sad part is, this position doesn’t seem to require senatorial review under the Advice and Consent sections in the Constitution.

That decision is up to Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Gil Kerlikowske, who released a statement Monday saying, “”At this time, CBP has not begun the search for the Chief of the U.S. Border Patrol. It is completely false that any individual could be a potential candidate at this time. We are currently preparing the paperwork to begin the process.”

Which means the decision has already been made at the highest levels of the Obama Regime. (Valerie Jarrett wants it so it will happen) The rank and file agents, the ones who actually are in the field and doing the work were surprised she was even being considered.

“The appointment of Heather Fong would prove that the Border Patrol is no longer the enforcement agency that Congress and the American public intended it to be,” according to a statement released by Brandon Judd, head of the agents’ union.

“Heather Fong oversaw a sanctuary city, which is directly contrary to our mission. Her appointment would be for political purposes and the trust of the men and woman of the Border Patrol in DHS and CBP leadership would be lost.”

I think that’s the point Mr. Judd. Just how bad a choice is Fong? Here’s some of her history.

During her five years as the chief of SFPD, Fong refused to cooperate with ICE, telling reporters in November 2008, “We do not cooperate with ICE when they go out for enforcement of immigration violations of the law.”


And of course, we had Bush who wouldn’t secure the borders and actively tried to shove amnesty down the throats of American citizens and those lawful resident aliens who obeyed the law and earned their place in America.

A few months earlier, she appeared in a public service campaign telling illegal immigrants they’re welcome in the city. In promoting San Francisco’s sanctuary city policy on TV, radio, posters and brochures in five languages, Fong said illegal immigrants had nothing to fear under her watch. “San Francisco is committed to providing safe access to public services to our communities,” she said.

Kathryn Steinle was not available, or alive for comment. Without a doubt, appointing this…criminal as the head of the Border Patrol would be a message to Congress, the States and to Americans. It would be yet another “Screw You, we’re going to have open borders no matter what you say!” by the Obama regime. Without a doubt, he will get full support from the PLFD’s and a few open border RINO’s as well.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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