Precious Snowflakes told to call police if offended

Good day all. I haven’t written anything regarding the mess at that University of Missouri due to the speed with which things have been happening. Basically, a bunch of whining crybabies on the collage football team started screaming “RACISM” over some slight or other.


Pretty much the standard SJW nonsense. However, the football team refused to play unless the university president, Time Wolfe, resigned. He was forced out along with the Chancellor, R. Brown Loftin. Why? For being Northern European descended apparently.

Now the student body along with the faculty have decided it’s time to go full retard and have anyone who feels offended by someone or something to call the local police. Worse, the police are just fine with this. Here’s some of the details from Mediate:

The Missouri University Police Department (MUPD) sent an email to students Tuesday morning urging them to call them and report any hurtful speech they encounter on the campus. In an email that was flagged by several Missouri-based journalists, the MUPD asked “individuals who witness incidents of hateful and/or hurtful speech or actions” to call the department’s general phone line “to continue to ensure that the University of Missouri campus remains safe.” They suggest that students provide a detailed description of the offender, their location or license plate number, and even to take a picture if possible.

full retard

This is so wrong on so many levels, it isn’t funny. That university police even considered this, as far as I’m concerned, is grounds to disband the entire force immediately. That they sent it out? Goose stepping Gestapo thugs comes to mind.

In a statement to Mediaite, the MUPD confirmed that the email was real. When asked about the potential First Amendment implications, a spokesman responded simply, “We are simply asking them to report what they feel is hurtful and/or hateful speech.”


In other words, “What First Amendment?”

He added that the police did not consider the hateful speech “a criminal matter.” However, “We also work for the University and uphold the Universities Rules and Regulations.”

hilter salute

Universities are meant to be places of learning and discourse. This includes hearing and seeing things you might not like. However, that sort of environment no longer exists in the halls of higher learning. Today it’s all about not being offended.

Precious Snowflake

These intolerant punks should be taught real lessons, however that would require a school administration that actually had ethics, and testicles. While I won’t tolerate racism, I will defend a racist’s right to mouth off and make a fool out of himself. I will also taunt him unmercifully.


What should have been done by the university’s management was tell that pack of losers on the football team to grow a pair and get back to class and try winning a few games.


If they refused, well, any of them in school on a football scholarship should have had that scholarship revoked and the little snowflake expelled. In fact, I would have gone after the group that physically removed a photojournalist on instructions of one of the faculty. Suspensions and expulsions would have resulted.

As for Melissa Click, assistant professor in the school of communications at the University of Missouri and the person calling for help to remove the cameraman, I would fire her and look into criminal charges. What these wimps are doing is no different from the book burners of the Third Reich. If the University of Missouri is a state collage, then it is time for the state legislature to get involved and find out just what is going on there. This garbage needs to be stopped and stopped now.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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