Criminal of the week, Thomas Dimassimo

Good day all. Normally this would be titled the “Stupid criminal of the week,” but this was not the actions of a stupid criminal. It was the actions of a left wing fanatic. He fully expected to get caught.

Stupid Criminal

This all started yesterday when Donald Trump was holding a rally in Ohio. The night before, the totalitarian left forced Trump to cancel an event. His next event at the Dayton, Ohio airport was proceeding normally when, towards the end of Trump’s speech there was some sort of disruption and Trump suddenly turned around, and the Secret Service rushed the stage. Initially, I reported that it looked like someone had grabbed Trump’s leg. This was due to the camera angle. Since then other footage has been made available and you can see that the assailant never got close to Trump.

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As you can see, Dimassimo ran up, jumped the fence and started towards the stage. He was promptly grabbed by the police before he got to close. Judging from the comments from the crowd, it’s a good thing it was the police that grabbed Dimassimo and not the crowd or he probably would have been spending time in traction.

stupid you are

Now, more information has come out on Thomas Dimassimo. It turns out that he is a Bernie Sanders supporter, (Big surprise there), and is also a “Professional Protestor.”

eye roll

There is some confusion on a Mr. Professional Protestor, or Little pp as I shall call him from now on. Initially, he was reported to be 32 years old, but more recent information indicates that he is no more than 22. This was probably due to typo somewhere. Other information from site such as A New Domain report that Little pp is a professional agitator, and an actor and is majoring in acting. He’s also a big supporter of the Black Lives Matter group, more commonly known as “The Klan with a tan.” Basically, he is your stereotypical Social Justice Warrior.


There were reports that Little pp was also a supporter of ISIS, but that appears to have been a false report used to troll a few conservative news sites. Since he was charged and then released, I figured there was nothing to it, or he would still be a guest of the Secret Service.


Since the Chicago incident and the attempt by Little pp to rush the stage, people have been trying to blame all this on Donald Trump, saying his speeches are responsible for “All the violence” being caused by the moonbats. Even the three remaining GOP candidates have jumped on board with this nonsense, led by Ted Cruz.


This, of course, is a load of horse manure.


To my knowledge there has been only one incident of violence in regards to a Trump rally. This was when a 78 year old man punched an anti-Trump protester. He was arrested and is being dealt with by the legal system. On the other side of the fence, we have the Moonbats and SJW’s promising to do whatever it takes to shut down future Trump events, and they are being financed by people like George Soros. The group MoveOn, which Soros funds, is taking credit for shutting down the Trump event in Chicago. According to SGT Report:

Ilya Sheyman, a failed Illinois contender for Congress and the executive director of Political Action, has taken credit for the violence at a cancelled Trump event last night in Chicago. He promised similar violence and disruption will occur at future Trump political events leading up to the election.

Mr. Trump and the Republican leaders who support him and his hate-filled rhetoric should be on notice after tonight’s events,” on the George Soros funded MoveOn web page. “To all of those who took to the streets of Chicago, we say thank you for standing up and saying enough is enough. To Donald Trump, and the GOP, we say, welcome to the general election.”

Considering what was reported and a few videos made available, I take this is a threat of violence by MoveOn and other assorted hard left groups. For the last 20 years or so, these groups have become more and more threatening, and violent. We’ve seen on collage campuses how the tenured professors, mostly socialists and Marxists, have been moving to suppress any and all points of view that don’t agree with theirs. We’ve even seen professors calling for acts of violence towards people who are exercising their 1st Amendment rights, (See Melissa Click). Then we have the Black Lives Matter Klan with a Tan and their threats of violence, which in many cases, they carry out.

Well, the people they have been attacking have had enough, and this is why Donald Trump is probably going to be the GOP Nominee, with an excellent shot at becoming the next President of the United States. These people are tired of taking it on the chin, always being accused of being racists, sexists or whatever “ist” is popular among the SJW’s.

tolerant liberal

The next time these thugs try something, depending on the location, you may end up with real violence, and it might be the type that the SJW’s are woefully unprepared for. They might bring Molotov Cocktails and clubs, the people they’re going to pick a fight with will bring guns, and a lot of them. They won’t start anything, but you can be damn sure they will end it. This is the exact same circumstances that occurred when the Unions decided it would be fun to beat up Tea Party supporters. They did it once, and then the Tea Party groups started showing up at rallies with pistols, shotguns and rifles. They simply said, “You can protest all you want. That’s your right. If you attack us again, we will bury you.”

get off my lawn

The Unions, not being the utter morons the SJW’s and their poster child, Little pp are, they backed off. The Moonbats and Social Justice Warriors are morons, and they will try pressing. It will take a full blown massacre before they get the message, if they ever do. Personally, I want to avoid having to deliver that sort of message. I have a good idea what will happen next, and I don’t care to see the Second American Civil War.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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