Once again, Judge put “Feelz” over the Constitution

Good day all. Last week, President Trump put a temporary hold on immigrants and travelers from 7 countries known to be a breeding ground for Islamic Terrorists. Yesterday, a judge decided that the President is not allowed protect the nation.

Granted, that statement is a bit of hyperbole, but not by much. For the last week, we have seen the left going berserk over a temporary 90 day ban from 7 countries that are either supporters of Islamic terrorism or can’t provide the vetting we require to protect this country. Now we have yet another judge who thinks that we have no right as a nation to deny entry to anyone we think may be hostile to us. Here are a few details from The Hill:

A federal judge in Seattle issued a temporary nationwide restraining order Friday stopping President Trump’s executive order banning citizens of seven countries from entering the United States. Judge James Robart, who was appointed by former President George Bush in 2003, ruled the executive order would be stopped nationwide, effective immediately.

There is significant questions of judicial overreach here. This judge seems to have forgotten that you do not have a right to come to the United States, UNLESS you are a United States citizen. Visas can be and have been revoked at any time. As you can imagine, the Progressives are having a field day with this bogus decision.

The Constitution prevailed today,” Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson said in a statement after the ruling. “No one is above the law — not even the President.”

President Trump is not taking this lying down, and is in the process of having this fraudulent ruling vacated. Meantime he, unlike the previous president, is obeying the order.

Now, my opinion is quite simple, This judge has exceeded his authority. He must be held accountable. If the worst case scenario occurs, namely that one or more of the people he now will let into the country commits an act of terrorism, then this judge needs to be arrested and criminally charged. If people are injured or killed by the terrorist act his decision allowed to occur, then he should be charged with and tried on capital charges, up to and including accessory to murder and possible treason.

It’s time to reign in these judicial tyrants on both sides of the political spectrum. It was judges back in the 19th century who’s decisions helped cause the Civil War. Now this one is literally putting the country at risk. I have a suspicion that this Bush appointee is also a member of the #NeverTrump cult as well. It’s time, long past time, to start holding these “people” liable for their actions when their decisions get people killed. After all, the Constitution is NOT a suicide pact. As Thomas Jefferson said:

“A strict observance of the written law is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to the written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the ends to the means.”

It’s time a few judges and members of Congress understand that we are in a war with Islamic fundamentalists and have been for our entire existence as a nation. Our earliest dealings with them came when we had to deal with the Barbary pirates. A member of the United States Marine Corps will know this of course, but far to many have forgotten that the line, “To the Shores of Tripoli” refers to actions by the United States to deal with Islamic piracy. We’ve been dealing with it, off and on for centuries.

Now we have morons, primarily on the left, with not a few ivory tower judges, who are perfectly willing to see the United States fall, so long as all the legal forms as they define them, are carried out. Like all on the left, and not a few on the “so called” right, the 9/11/2001 attack, and the tens of thousands of other terror attacks carried out by Muslims, is all the fault of the Western world in general and the United States in particular. Donald Trump was elected to correct that outlook.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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3 Responses to Once again, Judge put “Feelz” over the Constitution

  1. VonZorch, Imperial Researcher says:

    These “judges” should be disbarred for gross incompetence. Section 212(f) of the INA, 8 U.S.C. 1182(f) clearly gives the President the power to do what Trump did.

    • FriarBob says:

      There are some law-review articles out there about removing a judge for bad behavior *without* needing a formal impeachment. If they have to open that can of worms, things are going to get ugly. And yet, if we don’t, we’ll get more clearly *idiotic* decisions like this one.

      When stuck between a rock and a hard place, a squish would try to weasel out. For better or worse, Trump won’t do that. Gonna be interesting to see how he handles it.

      • I saw something, either on Patterico or Powerline Blog, this morning on this idiot. Apparently, this isn’t the first time he’s made rulings that go against precedent, the law and the constitution.


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