Mexico considers the UN to be important

Good day all. Since Donald Trump was sworn in as president, he has begun the process of rounding up illegal aliens. This has caused the ever so peaceful Progressive Democrats to go absolutely berserk. It’s also caused Mexico to realize that the party is over, and that they won’t be able to ship their criminals into the United States.

This has caused the Mexican government to start making all sorts of threats regarding the United States securing its southern border, and shipping back Mexican nationals who couldn’t be bothered with going through the process to enter the United States legally. These threats have been met with mirth, laughter and contempt by most Americans, as well as people who immigrated to the United State legally.

This has further enraged the Mexican government, and now they are threatening to go to the United Nations to get them to intervene and stop the U.S. Government from protecting our sovereignty. Here are the details from CNS News:

Mexico’s foreign minister says his government will seek the intervention of the United Nations if necessary to defend the human rights of its citizens caught up in the Trump administration’s tough new approach to illegal immigration.

Speaking on the eve of Thursday’s meetings with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, Secretary of Foreign Affairs Luis Videgaray said at a meeting with officials from the U.N. human rights office that Mexico “does not have to accept provisions that one government wants unilaterally to impose on another.”

The government of Mexico will act by all means legally possible to defend the human rights of Mexicans abroad, particularly in the United States,” he said.

The government will not hesitate to go to international organizations beginning with the United Nations to defend, in accordance with international law, human rights, freedoms and due process in favor of Mexicans abroad,” Videgaray added.

This is amusing. The United States is planning on sending back all those poor Mexican citizens who have been raping, robbing, kidnapping and murdering Americans. Basically, the priority for those inside the United States are convicted criminals. It looks like ICE is also going after anyone who is illegally in the United States and making a lot of noise about it. (The so called “Dreamers” for instance)

The foreign minister was speaking at the signing of an agreement of cooperation between Mexico and the office of U.N. human rights commissioner Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein.

An agreement of cooperation? What are you planning on cooperating about? Aiding some Islamic “Refugees” into the United States along with a supply of explosives? I’ve heard that there are Islamic terrorist training camps in a few south American countries that the previous administration refused to believe existed. Are you planning on shipping them across the Rio Grande?

We are witnessing a very dangerous trend not only on the American continent but also in other parts of the world,” he said. “Migrants are increasingly scapegoated, and those in irregular situations are being criminalized, detained and deported, often without due process.”

It’s called securing your borders meathead. These people are illegally entering the United States, (as well as other countries). They are being sent back where they came from. Now if they had bothered to apply through the normal immigration systems, it would be a different matter.

Families are being torn apart,” he continued. “Ever higher barriers to entry are being put in place to deter migrants, but we know that this only forces them into using more dangerous channels, putting their lives at an even greater risk.”

We have expressed our concern about respect for the rights of Mexicans in the United States and the legal impossibility of one government making decisions that affect the other in a unilateral manner,” Videgaray said in a communique after the meetings.

If those Mexican nationals are in the United States legally, then of course, they have most of the rights of your average citizen. This includes a hearing if they lose their status. If you are referring to your citizens that were caught as they hopped the border? They can be considered invaders, and be shot on sight. Those caught inside the United States? We really aren’t required to give them any legal due process. We can and should ship them home as quickly as possible.

As to your going to the United Nations and demanding that they force the United States to keep the borders open?

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Perhaps you’ve missed just how much the average American despises the United Nations. You’ve grown accustomed to having presidents who would bend over and kiss the ass of some Third World kleptocrat who happened to be the general secretary at the time.

Now you have a new president who not only won’t kowtow to the United Nations, there is a good chance that if you push it, he might just quit the U.N and boot you the hell out. What would you do then? Hold your breath and stamp your feet? Perhaps you might decide to “Help Mexico” by deploying UN “Peacekeepers” along the border to prevent the United States from stopping Mexicans from jumping the border, probably while carrying a few kilos of narcotics. Would you care to guess what that will result in?

Mexico is a failed state ruled by the Narco-Cartels. Because the country is a third world failed state, they can’t keep a handle on all the people looking for jobs. For decades, they’ve used the United States as a safety valve to “Bleed off” their excess population. They didn’t have to do this. They could have used all that oil they had to build up a strong, diverse economy. Instead, they just looted it for the benefit of a few.

Now the escape valve is being shut and the ruling elite knows what will happen next. Revolution and civil war. Throw in the Cartels and Mexico will quickly turn into the Beirut of Central America. One cross border raid and the United States will go in to clean house, and this time, we won’t leave. We will move south until we reach an area that can be geographically defended.

Oh yes, all your citizens? We won’t be bothering with many of them. If they aren’t useful, we’ll just drive them further south. As to the “100 families” and the Cartels? We’ll take your lands, your wealth and kick you out as well. The Cartel leaders? Them we’ll just hang. So yes, go to the UN and see what happens.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Mexico considers the UN to be important

  1. irish19 says:

    What a pleasant prospect to contemplate.


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