And the DNC winner is…

Former Secretary of Labor and racist, Tom Perez! Good day all. Saturday I wrote about the coming election for the head of the Democrat national Convention. The choices came down to former Secretary of Labor for Barack Obama, Tom Perez and Minnesota representative Keith Ellison. The choice made was for the Obama thug, Tom Perez.

Of course, to prove to the rank and file that the DNC is firmly in the “Diversity” business, they named Keith Ellison as the deputy chairman. As you might imagine, the Republican Party, along with the Trump administration, is quaking in their boots of the selection of these two as first and second Chairs for the Democrat party. Observe.

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Yes, the Democrat party has shown that they really haven’t learned anything from the complete destruction of the party at the state and local level, and the third straight defeat at the federal level including the White House.

Now, who is Tom Perez? He is the perfect person for the DNC chairmans’s job. He is a member of “The Race”, aka La Raza, and has repeatedly shown his hatred for people with white colored skin. He also showed how much of a fruitcake he his, claiming that Donald Trump rigged the election. Here are a few details on that from the Washington Times:

Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez wasted no time jumping into the political fray, suggesting the day after he was tabbed to lead the party out of power that President Trump “rigged” the general election with the help of the Russians.

Frankly, what we need to be looking at is whether this election was rigged by Donald Trump and his buddy, [Russian President] Vladimir Putin,” Mr. Perez said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

It seems that Chairman Perez has forgotten that it was his candidate, as Secretary of State, who was selling American uranium mines to the Russians, and being well bribed for it. As for stealing the election? To date, 90+ percent of the irregularities in voting found to date have been in favor of the Democrats. And let’s not forget how your predecessor, Debbie Downer Wasserman-Schultz did rig the primaries in favor of Felonia von Pantsuit.

The racist antics and big mouth of Tom Perez will be like sweet music to the ears of the Republican party. He and terrorist supporting Muslim, Keith Ellison, will move the Democrats so far to the left, the old Communist Party of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, under General Secretary Josef Stalin, will look ultra-right wing in comparison.

I can’t wait for the 2018 midterms. If Perez and Ellison are successful in their goals, the Democrats may lose almost every seat they have up in the Senate and who knows how many in the house. The radical left has finally succeeded in taking control of a main stream party, (Or what used to be a main stream party). Now let’s watch them completely marginalize themselves for at least a generation.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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