Liberal blocked by Trump on Twitter, goes nuts

Good day all. President Trump loves to send out tweets from his personal twitter account, RealDonaldTrump. Millions of people follow his every tweet, including just about everyone pretending to be an impartial news reporter.

However, some of these people have so annoyed President Trump that he has, like millions of others, blocked a few people so they can’t see what he’s tweeting out. This has led a few Proglodyte Moonbat “Journalists” who were blocked to sue, citing violations of their 1st Amendment rights.

One of these precious snowflakes, who was blocked by President Trump, is Rebecca Buckwalter-Poza. This has led her to dive into the deep end of insanity. She, along with a few other Precious Snowflakes, is suing President Trump for not talking to them. Here is what she screeched about from Fortune:

Most of my writing is about the Trump administration. In fact, my mandate from Pacific Standard is “Trump and the law.” On Twitter, the bulk of my recent follower growth and new relationships with others in the politico-legal sphere have come out of responding quickly when the president tweets and engaging the threads of conversation that flow from those tweets.

Yeah, so?

So when President Donald Trump blocked me in June, apparently for suggesting that Russia influenced the outcome of the 2016 election, he harmed me professionally. Even though I knew @realDonaldTrump was important to my career, it still took me at least a few days to recognize how being blocked by the president on Twitter would affect me as a public intellectual.

Twitter initially became a haven for me when I recognized it as a great equalizer in the media world.

And it looks like you found out that it works both ways, and you aren’t happy.

Not every tweet is a hit, but when I make a point pithily and it’s liked and retweeted by thousands of people, some of the people who agree with my point or like the way I make it follow me or reach out.

I think it’s pretty safe to say that most of your followers agree with your point of view. The problem is when someone doesn’t, such as President Trump, or myself. If we find you to be an annoying screeching harpy, well, we ignore you, and the best way is to block you so we don’t have to deal with your screeching.

Gone now is my ability to participate in the timeliest and most robust conversations around law, policy, and politics on Twitter—those around the president’s tweets.

Taking part in these exchanges was an ideal way to stay current on not just facts, but new ideas. These threads make up the marketplace of ideas in which my peers and potential employers, colleagues, and audience are present and participating. I’ve been forced out and have no meaningful way to rejoin them.

Exchanges? So, you were making a complete and utter ass of yourself on twitter and President Trump decided you were just a waste of bits, bytes and bandwidth?

I didn’t think being blocked on Twitter was a big deal at first. It’s just a button you can click, a way to mute an ex or tune out trolls’ attacks. But it turns out that when the person who blocks you is the president of the United States, it can matter quite a bit.

Not to me it doesn’t.

Every day I’m blocked I lose opportunities to advance my views and engage others’—literally the reason a reader follows a writer’s work, the substance a publication pays a writer for—in these conversations.

How about you get your lazy proglodyte butt out and actually do your job? You do know that Twitter wasn’t around 20 years ago. Oh wait, I forgot. You’re a special snowflake and you expect everything to be handed to you. Work? That’s something those people in flyover country do.

I can’t fire off a 140-word tweet, create a thread, or share pieces I write to drive discussion within these very conversations . That quick click I thought was so inconsequential is constraining my career in ways I have yet to fully appreciate.

All you’re doing is showing that you are an incompetent twit. Old school reporters are laughing at you. They didn’t write 140 character, stories, they wrote thousand plus words. Oh, by the way. Twitter doesn’t do 140 word messages, it’s 140 CHARACTER messages. I assume you’re going to file a lawsuit against Twitter now?

Twitter also brought me to where I am today: Pursuing a lawsuit with others against President Trump for his decision to block us on Twitter. It was because I tweeted about being blocked that I eventually connected with the Knight First Amendment Institute and became involved in the legal effort.

I expect that this is going to be laughed out of court. Even an Obama judge would be hard pressed to find any violations of the 1st Amendment here. Just to refresh your memory:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

And no one is stopping you from spewing your Progressive garbage. That is what the 1st Amendment is all about. President Trump decided he doesn’t want to talk to you so he slammed his door in your face. What you want to do is make him talk to you. Sorry, that’s a violation of his rights, not that a proglodyte moonbat such as yourself gives a damn about anyone else’s rights, especially when they don’t agree with you.

You are just a spoiled brat with delusions of importance. President Trump saw this and has sent you to your room without dessert. If you think you can force someone to talk with you, think again. I have no idea how many people you may have blocked, but if, by some miracle, you get the courts to force Trump to talk to you, then all the people you blocked, Trolls and all, will sue YOU! I suspect your tune will change damn fast if that happens. Meanwhile…


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Liberal blocked by Trump on Twitter, goes nuts

  1. BruceInVA says:

    If this snowflake had any exposure to education beyond high school, revoke any certification from said institution of “higher learning”. Hell, should have learned that in high school civics/government. Do they even have that any more?


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