SPLC calls everyone racists hatemongers

Good day all. I’ve mentioned the Southern Poverty and Law Center, (SPLC), in the past. The group was founded decades ago to sue the KKK out of existence, which they pretty much did. Since then, they’ve really not had any real reason to exist.

However, since they are powered by donations, and the people running the organization like flying first class, staying in 5 star hotels and basically living high on the hog, they needed to find other groups or people to call racist hate groups. This has led to some really bad incidents, including an attack on the Family Research Council by a crazed left-wing nutjob.

His reason for selecting the FRC was the SPLC’s listing them as a hate group. What the FRC actually is, is a conservative christian organization that lobbies congress regarding things like abortion, education, etc. Since they oppose the SPLC’s agenda, they were declared a hate group by them. Now the SPLC has done it again, and this time there is a real backlash hitting them. They accused a peaceful Christian nonprofit of being a hate group, and now people are fighting back. Here are the details from Fox News:

The left-leaning Southern Poverty Law Center has come under fire for its labeling of a Christian nonprofit organization — dedicated to defending “religious freedom, sanctity of life, and marriage and family” — as a hate group.

But the Alliance Defending Freedom isn’t the only conservative, traditional-value organization the SPLC smears as a hate group. Fox News found at least six other groups that are conservative and explicitly nonviolent but branded as hate organizations by the SPLC.

The Southern Poverty and Law Center will call anyone who doesn’t toe their agenda as a racist or a hate group. They particularly despise Christian groups. (I don’t know how they feel about Jews though. Probably the same)

The SPLC – based in Montgomery, Ala. – is a nonprofit legal advocacy organization specializing in civil rights and public interest litigation, dedicated to “fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society.”

That’s the “Official” line. Unofficially, it’s to reduce the United States to a vassal state of the United Nations and maintain the managers lifestyle as part of the truly rich and shameless.

The SPLC list includes several genuine hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and Neo-Nazi and Holocaust denial groups. But the organization’s list also includes many conservative groups that — while socially controversial — are peaceful organizations that say they do not advocate hate or violence.

The problem with just going after the KKK, Neo-Nazi’s and Holocaust deniers is that there really aren’t all that many left. For all intents and purposes, they won the war. Now they’re looking for new lands to conquer and they don’t care who they smear.

A hate group, by definition, is one that promotes and practices hatred, hostility, or violence toward members of a race, ethnicity, nation, religion, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation.

One issue here is that most of that statement violates the 1st Amendment of the Constitution. Not the violence part. Feel free to land on anyone who uses violence to promote their causes. As for the rest? Detestable, but these bozo’s do have the right to say it, just as I have the right to call them morons and bozo’s. Using the term “Hate crime” or “Hate group” sounds far to much like thought crimes and thought control.

A number of the socially conservative organizations the SPLC labels as hate groups, because of their views on LGBT issues, have beliefs about such issues that are strikingly similar to those of the Roman Catholic Church.

The Fox article lists some of the groups that the SPLC calls “Hate organizations.” They aren’t, they just don’t agree with the agenda of the Proglodytes and Moonbats on the left. This is where the SPLC gets most of it’s donations.

One of the things I’ve watched these knuckleheads do is claim that they, (The SPLC), is in terrible danger from all the “Hate groups” that might attack them. To date, any acts of violence have been perpetrated BY the left, all of whom think that the SPLC is the best thing since sliced bread.

In reality, if what the SPLC propagandists said was true, their headquarters would be a smoking crater. Everyone and everything they’ve listed as “Haters,” and who actually aren’t, are quite capable of taking out the SPLC. Since these people and groups aren’t racists or hate organizations, and support the rule of law, they haven’t taken any action and won’t. At least not illegal actions.

This brings up a perfectly legal line of attack, and I think it’s about time some of these groups start using it. The SPLC is the real hate organization, their words have led to at least one violent attack and they have libeled and slandered many innocent people and groups. Perhaps it’s time for these victims of the SPLC to conduct their own version of “Lawfare.” It would be very interesting to see what the discovery process found in the Southern Poverty and Law Center’s files.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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