Another liberal perv off to prison

Good day all. News has come out that yet another Progressive Liberal Democrat is now on his way to the House of Many Doors. Anthony “The Perv” Weiner, former member of the House of Representatives, gets to spend the next two years showing is “Equipment” to his new roomie, Bubbah, who will probably think that Weiner has a “Purty mouth”.

Weiner, who, to put it bluntly, is a scumbag, was forced out of the House after it came out that he liked to send pictures of his “Wedding tackle” to women via text. He liked to call himself “Carlo Danger”, (He should have called himself “Igor the Idiot), and when the news broke, he was forced to resign his seat.

After a couple of years, he decided to run for mayor of New York. He thought that at least New Yorkers would give him a pass on his past. The only problem was, yes, you guessed it, more pictures from Carlos Danger. The final nail in his coffin was The Perv’s sending pictures of himself to teenage girls. Oh these young ladies? Yeah, they weren’t quite 18 yet. Well, the hammer finally fell on The Perv and now he’s lost his texting privileges for the next couple of years. Here are some of the details from the New York Post:

The disgraced ex-congressman broke down crying as he was sentenced to 21 months in prison Monday for convincing a high school student to undress and touch herself via Skype in 2016.

This was a serious crime. It’s a serious crime that deserves serious punishment,” Manhattan federal Judge Denise Cote said as the convicted sext fiend dropped his head into his hand and wept.

After the courtroom cleared, Weiner sat crying in his chair with his lawyers patting him on the back. His mom also sat crying on the bench behind him, sitting next to Weiner’s brother Jason and Weiner’s dad.

Aww, isn’t that nice? The Perv’s family is standing behind him, with one very notable exception.

The serial sexter’s soon-to-be ex-wife, Huma Abedin, was nowhere to be seen.

Yeah, Felonia’s girl friend has quite a few problems of her own, not the least of which, Felonia doesn’t seem to want to “Play House” with her any more.

In addition to his prison stint, Weiner was sentenced to pay a $10,000 fine for his crime, participate in sex offender outpatient treatment and spend three years on supervised release once his sentence is up.

Does that mean he can’t have a cellphone with a camera in it too? Why that would be cruel and justified punishment.

He will have to surrender to his designated facility by Nov. 6 — his lawyer put in a request for Schuylkill Federal Correctional Facility in Pennsylvania, or another low-security prison near New York.

Screw that! Send him to Marion, Illinois!

Weiner, 53, had faced as much as 10 years in the slammer after pleading guilty in May to one count of transferring obscene material to a minor. The feds said Weiner, a former congressman from Brooklyn, began a two-month sexting session with the North Carolina teen shortly after she messaged him on Twitter in January 2016.

He should have gotten the full monty and made to serve all 10 years.

He made a tearful last-minute plea for probation so he could continue his treatment, which includes sessions with Sex Addicts Anonymous.

If I fail, I know what will happen,” Weiner said. “But with God’s grace, I will not.”

To bad loser, we already know you failed miserably because you are a perverted failure. The judge knew you had already gone through that “treatment” and it didn’t even slow you down.

He argued that his online dalliance with the 15-year-old was due to his sick obsession with sexting strangers and addiction — rather than an obsession with underage girls — and claimed he had hit “rock bottom” and is now in recovery.

I do agree that he probably wouldn’t have touched the girl if given the chance, but it doesn’t matter. Aside from his perversion, as soon as he learned her age, he should have stopped communicating to her. The prosecutors agree with me.

But prosecutors insisted that he needed to see the inside of a cell to get the message.

I suspect that won’t be the only thing he’s going to see the inside of either. Or perhaps, I should say his soon to be “Very special new friends” are going to be checking out the insides of Weiner alimentary canal. As to how the Perv got caught? He was turned in by the very teenager girl he was sending her pervy pictures and texts to.

In September 2016, the girl sold her story to British publication Daily Mail, and in May, he cried as he pleaded guilty to one count of sending obscene material to a minor.

I hate plea deals. The prosecutors should have said “No Deal!” and taken this to a jury. Then Weiner would be off the streets for a lot longer then 2 years, or even the potential 10 years he was facing. But he was a wimpy liberal Democrat and threw himself on the mercy of the court. Pity the judge was fresh out of mercy.

And thus, yet another Democrat heads off the their usual retirement center. A federal penitentiary.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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