Mad Maxine is at it again

Good day all. Once again, Representative Maxine Waters, aka Mad Maxine, is demonstrating that you don’t need to have a functioning cerebellum to be a member of congress.

What has Mad Maxine done this time? Why, it’s the same thing she has been doing since November 9th, 2016 Pinky, try to Impeach Donald Trump.

This time, Mad Maxine the Stupid is demanding that President Trump be impeached for his remarks regarding the overpaid punks in the NFL and other professional sports who think it’s fine to disrespect the National Anthem, the military and the very nation that gave them the opportunities they now have. Here are the details from The American Mirror:

Come hell or high water, Maxine Waters is going to try to impeach President Trump. During a weekend appearance on MSNBC, the California congresswoman told host Joy Reid that Trump “is the most deplorable person I have ever met, seen or witnessed,” and that he should be impeached in part due to his response to the NFL players kneeling during the national anthem.

It is absolutely outrageous and dangerous what he’s doing,” Waters declared, referring to the president’s call for a boycott of the league.

He started dog-whistling to that constituency during the campaign and started his division,” she said, bringing up former White House advisor Steve Bannon.

And of course, since she doesn’t like someone, she immediately brings out her favorite word, “RACIST!!!!!

They frighten people. They play into racism. They do what every other president either has attempted not to do, or at least showed some signs of, uh, you know, trying to bring people together, or not divide,” she said.

This corrupt and senile old Moonbat refuses to even consider the divisiveness being instigated by the Proglodytes, Antifa, Democrats and Liberals. In what passes for a brain, she considers all of them to be as pure as the driven snow. Oh, wait!! Snow is white, therefore snow is RACIST!!!!

Waters didn’t denounce the divisive actions of the NFL players snubbing the American flag and national anthem.

Of course not! See above. Anyone who complains is RACIST!!!!

He is about division. He is about signaling to that core group of his that this country that he wants to make great again is all about making it white,” she declared.

Next, Mad Maxine then moves back into more familiar territory for her, Russia, Russia, Russia, Obstruction, Russia and Collusion.

I know we’re not talking Russia and collusion today, and we’re not talking about obstruction of justice, but I hope people understand it’s about all of this,” she said, apparently including his strong reaction to the kneelers, “that he should not be the president of the United States.

And right on schedule, she drops the “I” word.

And we’ve got to get ready for impeachment,” Waters said, clapping her hands.

Mad Maxine is a typical California Moobat. Stark Raving mad. Typical of people like herself, (Nuttier then a fruitcake), she refuses to see what is happening in the rest of the country. In her crack whore like brain, (Nonfunctional that is), she thinks that first they impeach President Trump, then Impeach the next in line, current Vice President, Mike Pence. What she thinks should happen is they run through the entire list of people who are constitutionally listed as successors, (All of whom are Republicans), and then appoint Felonia von Pantsuit as President. Yes, she is that delusional.

What should happen is Mad Maxine should be pushed to retire, and if she refuses, begin the process to expel her from the House of Representatives. She has repeatedly disgraced herself and the House of Representatives. It’s obvious that she is not rational. Since she isn’t mentally competent, (To be determined by a board of Republican medical professionals, (Hey, sauce for the goose and all that)), she is not able to properly represent her district or her state.

Yes, I know, it’s never going to happen, but I know this, unlike that crazy Maxine “Mad Maxine” Waters, I’m sane. (Well mostly)


~The Angry Webmaster~

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