Holy Screaming Liberals Batman!!

Good day all. We’re coming on the one year anniversary of the crushing defeat of Felonia von Pansuit and the election of Donald J. Trump. In celebration of this anniversary, the Proglodytes, Moonbats, Progressives, Liberals and Democrats intend to mark the occasion in their usual manner.

And what may that be you ask? They intend to scream at the top of their lungs. Here are the amusing details from Fox News:

The rage is still strong in some Trump opponents, who plan to band together to “scream helplessly at the sky” on the one-year anniversary of the 2016 election.

Facebook events around the country invite people to gather together and let out a “primal scream over the current state of our democracy” on Nov. 8.

Personally, I’m planning on opening a cold one and toasting President Trump. Perhaps I should go to one of these “events” with a MAGA hat on and taunt these losers.

The idea came from Boston, where people will gather in America’s oldest park, the Boston Common, to scream. Other liberal cities like New York, Austin and Philadelphia picked up the idea.

Boston? That’s surprising. I would have thought this would have come out of Kalifornistan. Oh well, Moonbats to occasionally migrate to colder climes, probably for the winter sporting events. You know, things like protesting global warming during a blizzard.

“This administration has attacked everything about what it means to be American. Who wouldn’t feel helpless every day?” Boston organizer Johanna Schulman said. “Coming together reminds us that we are not alone, that we are part of an enormous community of activists who are motivated and angry, whose actions can make a difference.”

And here we see the typical mental state of your average Moonbat, Delusional. This idiot is typical of the Proglodyte Left in this country. Their idea of America is something similar to the Soviet Union. The problem is, they literally are so far around the bend, they can’t see that they are being laughed at by the majority of Americans.

More than 33,000 so far have said they are interested in the Boston event, with more than 4,000 planning to go. Meanwhile in New York City, more than 15,000 said they are interested to scream in Washington Square Park, and more than 2,000 plan to go.

Hmm, they have 48,000 people who say they are interested yet only 6000 in two locations are actually planning to show up? That really isn’t much of a turnout.

New York organizer Nathan Wahl said he thinks “we’re a bunch of exasperated people who want to feel connected.”

If you want to feel connected, might I suggest that all of you like minded moonbats try connecting to a live high tension line? Perhaps that will shock some sense into you.

Philadelphia organizer Philadelphia United for Progress assured that they “know we’re not helpless.”

Yes, you are helpless. Also useless, worthless and if you are mimicking the old style hippies, probably rather smelly as well.

Fans in Philadelphia are encouraged to scream in solidarity from their own backyard if they cannot attend.

Oh I’m sure their neighbors will be thrilled to have their day interrupted by some batshit crazy screaming at the top of his or her lungs. I have a feeling the local constabulary is going to be rather busy answering noise complaint calls. Still, I think this might have some entertainment value. After all, who can forget this gem when President Trump was sworn into office?


~The Angry Webmaster~

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