Mueller under pressure

Good day all. I’ve been out all day so I’m just catching up on the news. Well, it looks like Robert Mueller, the “Great White Hope” for the Democrats and RINO Never Trumpers, is catching a little heat these days.

When Mueller was appointed to investigate Trump colluding with the Russians to steal the election from the Sainted Felonia von Pantsuit, (aka Hillary Clinton), most people with no functioning brain cells assumed that President Trump would be impeached or forced to resign. Instead, Mueller and his team of Felonia supporting minions stumbled on actual collusion, and it looks like Robert Mueller was involved up to his beady little eyes. Now calls are being made for him to resign. Here are the details from Fox News:

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is facing a fresh round of calls from conservative critics for his resignation from the Russia collusion probe, amid revelations that have called into question the FBI’s own actions and potentially Mueller’s independence.

This week’s bombshell that a controversial anti-Trump dossier was funded by the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign has Republicans asking to what extent the FBI – which received some of the findings and briefly agreed to pay the same researcher to gather intelligence on Trump and Russia – used the politically connected material.

As I understand it, FISA warrants were requested and issued to allow the FBI to monitor Trump’s transition team, so yes, I think that criminal James Comey used that information to lie to the court in order to get the warrants.

Hill investigators also are looking into a Russian firm’s uranium deal that was approved by the Obama administration in 2010 despite reports that the FBI – then led by Mueller – had evidence of bribery involving a subsidiary of that firm.

Oh yes, that’s right. Mueller was head of the FBI when the Uranium One bribery scandal was discovered. Instead of shutting all that down, it’s beginning to look like Mueller actually worked to cover up the bribes going to Felonia von Pantsuit.

Critics question whether Mueller’s own ties to the bureau as well as fired FBI director James Comey now render him compromised as he investigates allegations of Russian meddling and collusion with Trump officials in the 2016 race.

That is a very simple answer. HELL YES!

The federal code could not be clearer – Mueller is compromised by his apparent conflict of interest in being close with James Comey,” Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., who first called for Mueller to step down over the summer, said in a statement to Fox News on Friday. “The appearance of a conflict is enough to put Mueller in violation of the code. … All of the revelations in recent weeks make the case stronger.”

Personally, I think President Trump should just outright fires Mueller’s crooked ass. Of course, Trump has been known to let the scandals simmer a bit in order to get the full flavor. I suspect that Trump doesn’t want to just nail Mueller’s hide to the barn, he has a whole list of people tied to this he wants bagged as well.

Congressional Republicans over the summer raised concerns over Mueller’s relationship with Comey, whom Trump ousted from the FBI in May. Reps. Franks and Andy Biggs, both Republicans from Arizona, had called for Mueller’s resignation for that reason.

President Trump has called Mueller’s relationship with Comey “bothersome,” though hasn’t said much about Mueller’s role lately even as he seizes on the latest revelations about the Fusion GPS dossier to try and turn the tables on Democrats in the Russia scandal.

It is now commonly agreed, after many months of COSTLY looking, that there was NO collusion between Russia and Trump. Was collusion with HC!” he tweeted Friday.

This is something that the Lame Stream Media, the Democrats and RINO Never Trumpers should really be worried about. President Trump isn’t acting like someone who is concerned that he’s going to be impeached or forced out of office. Why? Because he knows that there’s nothing there, and if Mueller’s fishing expedition starts trying to railroad innocent people, Trump will have enough to fire Muller and have him indicted.

The Wall Street Journal editorial board cited the dossier development in calling for Mueller’s resignation on Thursday, saying the “troubling question is whether the FBI played a role” in aiding a “Russian disinformation campaign.”

Two pertinent questions: Did the dossier trigger the FBI probe of the Trump campaign, and did Mr. Comey or his agents use it as evidence to seek wiretapping approval from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Trump campaign aides?” the editorial board wrote, before turning to Mueller’s role:

The Fusion news means the FBI’s role in Russia’s election interference must now be investigated—even as the FBI and Justice insist that Mr. Mueller’s probe prevents them from cooperating with Congressional investigators. Mr. Mueller is a former FBI director, and for years he worked closely with Mr. Comey. It is no slur against Mr. Mueller’s integrity to say that he lacks the critical distance to conduct a credible probe of the bureau he ran for a dozen years. He could best serve the country by resigning to prevent further political turmoil over that conflict of interest.”

Mueller won’t resign. You need to have ethics to do the right thing, and Mueller has a long and sordid history of railroading innocent people into jail. This investigation was designed to protect James Comey and the Beltway Uniparty elite. Instead, the whole thing has blown up in their faces, and now it’s entirely possible that it will be Mueller who will be facing a special prosecutor in the near future.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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