Trump’s State of the Union Address

Good day all. Tuesday night was President Trump’s first State of the Union address. Unfortunately, I didn’t watch it. I’m recovering from some minor dental surgery and wasn’t up to it. However, I have been reading the reactions to the speech.

To begin with there was a poll taken by CBS News. While I’m still reading all the details, I would say that the CBS Grand Pubah’s were not expecting the results they got. Fully 75% of the viewers approved of the speech. This was not what the Mostly Stupid Media was expecting. From what I’ve read, the MSM was uniformly negative even before the address and ABC was the worst.

Then we had the actual speech. As expected, President Trump made great note of the improved economy. He also offered to fix DACA and asked the Democrats to join with the Republicans in fixing the Immigration system. However, unlike previous GOP Presidents, he didn’t walk away from his promises.

As for the Democrats? They were good enough to write all the 2018 midterm political ads…for the Republicans. The Democrats, those that showed up, demonstrated their usual good grace by sitting on their hands. When President Trump announced that the unemployment levels for Americans of Recent African decent had plummeted, the so called “Black Caucus” sat there like sour pussed bumps on a log. I wonder how that’s going to play with their alleged base? A few of them may find out the hard way come their next reelection campaign.

The general reaction of the Democrats was unsurprising. Luis Gutierrez, the Democrat representative of all criminal aliens, stormed out in a showy display of irrelevance. He knows that DACA is dead in it’s current form, even with the offer on the table from President Trump. It’s dead because the Democrats strangled it in it’s crib rather then work with President Trump and the GOP.

Now, a day later, more reactions are coming in. The Moonbats, NeverTrumpers and Democrats are in shock and denial over the polls. For a year, they have lied, conspired, and manufactured outrage over every little thing President Trump has said, done, not said or not done. All the while, President Trump has been working to undue not 8 years of damage to the United States, but closer to 30 years, going back to the end of the Reagan administration and the start of the Beltway Uniparty’s control of government.

In the next few weeks, the tax cuts are going to kick in and people are going to see a major increase in their take home. Well, for most of us it will be a major increase. For some, like the ultra-rich Progressive Liberal Democrats, both in and out of congress, it’s just crumbs. To a starving person, crumbs are a feast, and we’ve been starving for 10 years.

The Trump administration is continuing to chop away at the dead hand of government regulation. This is allowing freedom to return to America, both business and personal. This too, is driving the left absolutely nuts. We can see the results in the so called Blue States where instead of reducing government influence, they are increasing it to the point of totalitarianism.

The Democrats thought they would have a wave election this year, similar to what happened in 2010 when they were swept from the House and heavily damaged in the Senate. Now, in spite of their lies, and the lies of the MSM, the truth is coming out. People are feeling good, and the Democrats are coming across as a bunch of spoilsports and nagging nannies. This picture pretty much says it all.

The next year is going to be very interesting.




~The Angry Webmaster~

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