The Memo

Good day all. Today is the day that the Democrats, FBI and the Obama Department of Justice have been dreading. Today, after months of work and outright threats by the Progressives and Uniparty swamp dwellers, the Nunes memo is to be released.

The contents of the memo are not fully known due to the classified nature of it. For the last few weeks, the House Republicans have been working to declassify it and release it to the public. Earlier, on a straight party line vote, the House Intelligence Committee voted to declassify the memo and release. President Trump, who could have objected, has enthusiastically agreed that it should be released.

The Democrats, along with their propaganda arm, formally known as the Main Stream Media, have been ripping the Republicans for releasing the memo. The senior leadership of the DoJ, the FBI and several intelligence agencies have also been trying to stop the release. (These were not generally Trump Appointees)

Now the question is, why? Why are the Progressives, some of the Establishment Republicans and so many in the media so dead set to stop the release? Apparently, this memo lays out just how badly the Obama Justice Department abused the rights of President Trump and his election, and later transition team. The rumors of what this memo contains are so explosive, allegedly, that if true, will make the Watergate scandal that brought down Richard Nixon look like amateur night.

From what I have read and seen, the worst case scenario will be people like James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein and many others looking at criminal prosecution. If the investigation is fully followed through, it could also lead to former Attorneys General Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder being criminally charged. All the scandals that were buried by the Democrats over the course of the Obama Administration could be reopened.

In congress, it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that a number of senior Democrats could be forced out of office, if not criminally charged. Democrat Adam Schiff, who has been leading the charge to “Get Trump!” with his fraudulent Russian Collusion accusations, could be forced from his committee chair on the Intelligence committee, if not outright forced from Congress.

The Main Stream Media will not cover this story other then to try and bury it. The problem is, they no longer control the narrative. Over the last week, they have been raging to the high heavens about The Memo, saying it was a fake, that it contains nothing new, that it’s all lies and generally parroting their masters in the Democrat Party.

We will find out what’s in the Memo later today. We will have the weekend to digest it. Of course, there is the problem of it being a Friday Document Dump, and this is the weekend of the Superbowl. However if this is as bad as many people think, it won’t matter if the media tries to bury it. President Trump, much to the disgust of the Progressives, Democrats and others in the Uniparty, actually believes in the rule of law and the Constitution. This Memo might be what he needs to do the full and complete house cleaning needed in the Department of Justice and other federal Law Enforcement Agencies.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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