The Memo: The fallout

Good day all. The infamous “Nunes Memo” detailing some of the FISA abuses by the DoJ and FBI has been released. People can now read the formally classified document and make their own decisions.

The fallout on the Memo has begun. The Democrats are demanding that Representative Devin Nunes be removed from the House Intelligence Committee for…telling the truth and uncovering the illegal actions of the FBI and DoJ under the Obama administration. There are also a few idiot Republicans who think releasing this information was a bad idea.

Take Representative Charlie Dent, (R-PA), please. This idiot thinks it was a bad idea to release the Memo detailing the abuses by the Federal Government, According to the Washington Times:

Republican Rep. Charlie Dent said the House Intelligence Committee?s release of classified information Friday puts the nation on a slippery slope going forward.

It’s a mistake to release this memo,” said Mr. Dent of Pennsylvania. “No Members of Congress — nor their staff — should risk divulging sensitive sources/methods of Intelligence for partisan gain.”

This sets a dangerous precedent that may have far reaching implications,” he said.

As an FYI, Dent the Dork is the current chairman of the House Ethics Committee. Now we can see why so may ethics cases have sort of just disappeared. The Dork is obviously a full member of the Beltway Uniparty. Hopefully, he will have a primary challenger who believes in government of the people, by the people and for the people, not one who thinks “Uniparty uber alles.”

Now, who is looking at some serious trouble? One person is the Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein. To put it bluntly, he should have been shown the door months ago. Now, as far as I?m concerned, the only door he should be shown in one that slams shut behind him with a loud clang. Here?s why, again from the Washington Times:

The memo from Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee shows that at least one of the questionable surveillance warrant applications was signed by Mr. Rosenstein, who already has had a difficult relationship with President Trump. The memo said information supporting the application was obtained from a partisan anti-Trump dossier funded by Hillary Clinton?s campaign.

Rep. Ron DeSantis, Florida Republican, said Mr. Rosenstein will likely have to appear before Congress to explain his actions regarding the FISA warrants for members of the Trump campaign.

“I think Rosentstein is going to have to come to the Congress and explain his roll in extending it,” the lawmaker said on Fox News. “I mean, did he go back and review it and was satisfied, or he just extended? And is he going to be able to justify this as a proper use of FISA?”

Oh I can’t wait to see that one! Rosenstein’s contempt for the Congress and the rule of law is rather interesting. As you might expect, the Democrats are trying to protect him. Senile Pelosi is already saying that if President Trump uses The Memo to fire Rosenstein, it will trigger a “Constitutional Crises.” Heres some of the details from Real Clear Politics:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told CBS News on Friday that “if the president uses this fake, horrible release of distorted intelligence as an excuse to fire [acting attorney general Rod] Rosenstein or [special counsel Robert] Mueller, it could lead to a constitutional crisis.”

“He has abdicated his responsibilities as commander in chief to protect the American people by protecting our intelligence sources and the rest,” she said of Trump.

Pelosi is suffering from the early stages of dementia. She likes to think she?s still dealing with President George W. Bush, not President Trump. She?s also a liar. The Memo doesn?t put any intelligence sources at risk. What it does do is show just how corrupt the DoJ and FBI senior managers are. Still, that doesn?t stop Senile Pelosi from demanding the head of the messenger, Devin Nunes.

“He should not be the chairman of the committee,” Pelosi said. Of the memo, she said: “It’s appalling. It’s a misrepresentation. It isn’t even the release of intelligence material. It’s a release of a distortion of it,” Pelosi said. “They’re not representing the facts to the American people, and yet the president has given it his imprimatur. This is unprecedented to the nth degree.”

Pelosi is typical of most of the Democrat Party these days. They will lie, cheat, steal and murder to keep power. If anyone needs to be removed from Congress, it’s Pelosi and all of the senior Democrat members of congress. Also most of the junior members as well.

Getting back to Rosenstein, I heard something last night that should worry anyone who believes in congressional oversight of the Federal Government. Now I only heard this in passing and it wasn’t complete. I happened to channel surf to Fox News, and I think it was the Hannity show.

One of his guests, who has been doing yeoman’s work in exposing the coverups and corruption of the FBI and DoJ, mentioned that Rosenstein had flat out threatened the House Intelligence committee, saying that he would get subpoenas for the electronic phone records of the committee members. If this is true, then right there is all the grounds President Trump needs to fire Rosenstein and throw his crooked ass out the door.

The Memo, of course, is just that. A short memo. There is, apparently, a ton of supporting documents and information that wasn’t released, probably because it would reveal intelligence sources. There is also another shoe waiting to drop and that is the Inspector General’s report.

From what I understand, that is due to be released in a few months, and the rumors are, it’s even more damning then The Memo. What should happen next is the question. Honestly, we can’t trust Jeff Sessions to actually do his job. It isn’t that he’s a crook, it’s that he’s a coward.

President Trump should, with the advice of Congress, appoint a special prosecutor to look into just how bad things are in the Department of Justice, and who should review all the scandals that “Mysteriously” went away under Obama. Congress also needs to continue it’s investigations, and I think it may be time to bring a few members of the house and senate in for questioning, starting with Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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