Democrats promise to repeal tax cuts

Good day all. Now that the economy is taking off like a rocket, and the lies the Democrats and their lackeys in the Mostly Stupid Media spread on who would benefit have blown up in their faces, what is a good progressive going to do?

I’ll give you three guesses, but you only need one. Yes, the Democrats are promising to raise taxes if they take control of the government. Here are some of the details from The Hill:

Democrats are vowing to undo parts of the GOP’s tax-code overhaul if they win back control of the House in November, hoping President Trump’s first major domestic achievement will be a liability for the Republicans in the midterm elections.

The effort is reminiscent of the Republicans’ long-drawn campaign to hammer away at the Affordable Care Act and turn President Obama’s signature health-care expansion into a down-ballot albatross for the Democrats — an effort that helped the Republicans retake the House with sweeping election victories in 2010.

We should repeal it and I think we should offer an alternative tax plan, which is we’re going to provide the tax relief to the middle class and the working class,” said Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.).

How typical of the Progressive Liberal Democrats. They, as usual, utterly fail to understand the mood of the country. The economy is taking off after years of strangulation by the Obama regime, and prior to that, The Bush globalists and Clinton Crime Cartel. Corporations are bringing money and jobs home, and the unemployment rate is dropping. The Progressive Democrat’s answer to all this? “Hey, that’s some might fine money you have there. Hand it over or else.”

Democratic leaders are encouraging their troops to stage district-based tax-reform “teach-ins” designed to convince voters “what this tax scam means to families,” in the words of the direct appeal from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

So we’re going to listen to a bunch of filthy rich progressives? That’s some mighty fine drugs you must be taking there. The last time they tried these “Teach-ins”, was when Obamacare was shoved down our throats. That didn’t work either, and the Republicans are salivating at the easy lob the Progressive Liberal Democrats are serving up.

Republicans are ready to hammer Democrats for vowing to repeal much of the tax law, arguing their opponents would be foolish to run on a message of raising taxes.

I would welcome Democrats running for election based on, ‘Let us slow down the American economy, raise taxes and make sure people’s paychecks are stagnant for another decade,’ ” House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) told reporters earlier this week.

That would be a terrible campaign theme for them to run on, but I welcome them to do it,” he said.

Shh! Don’t help them by letting the Progressive Liberal Democrats know what a stupid idea they have. Remember, “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

Republicans think the new law will ultimately be to their benefit, noting that polls show support growing. A Monmouth University poll found voters evenly split between approval and disapproval of the law, though it also found that more people expect to see their taxes go up than see their taxes go down.

The reasons for the polls switching from opposition to approval is very very simple. The Progressive Liberal Democrats, using their Propaganda arm, flat out lied about the tax cuts. They even went so far as to bring people in and have a tax expert figure out what would happen to them. Surprise! Of the three people/families that they brought in, with varying levels of income, all three were going to see their taxes go down. That wasn’t what the Progressives running CBS and CNN expected.

Democrats are offering few details about what a replacement plan would look like, recognizing that legislation to roll back parts of the law won’t get far while Trump is in the White House. But painting in broad strokes, the lawmakers say they want to shift a bulk of the law’s benefits from the wealthy to the middle class.

And they continue to lie about the results of the tax cuts. It isn’t “The Rich” who are benefiting, it actually is the middle class. But then, the Progressive Liberal Democrats have never cared about the anyone but themselves. If Pelosi and crew scam their way back in, taxes will go up, big time, and the economy will collapse…again.

The polling on this bill is terrible for them,” said Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.). “Americans don’t like it because they think they’re getting crumbs and people like Donald Trump are getting, literally, millions of dollars.”

And here we see the collectivist thinking of the typical Progressive Liberal Democrat. Actually they don’t do much thinking, just parrot back their talking points no matter what the actual facts are.

The tax law Trump signed in December lowers the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent. It also lowers rates across the board for individuals and creates a new deduction for income from noncorporate businesses.

And the Progressive Democrats response? It boils down to “How dare Trump allow those evil corporations to keep the money I so richly deserve as one of the enlightened elite! We’ll make sure we raise the corporate rates back where they belong. 99% for those who don’t “Donate” to our favorite causes!”

Of course, the fact that those rates were the highest on the earth. Outside fo a few currently failing states, means nothing to the Progressive Democrats. They also refuse to acknowledge all the money now flowing back into the United States from it’s parking places overseas. Apple alone is bringing in close to $400 billion and they’re paying something like $37 billion in taxes.

By the way, they would have paid nothing under the Progressive Democrats plan. Why? They would have left the money outside of the United States, just as they’ve been doing for years. And what are they going to do with all that cash they’re bringing in? Hiring thousands of people, building new manufacturing facilities and generally making life much better for people.

Democrats are particularly critical of provisions cutting the top individual tax bracket from 39.6 percent to 37 percent and raising the threshold for exemption from the estate tax, both of which benefit wealthy people.

Actually, it benefits small family owned businesses and farms. They tend to be “Paper rich” but are generally cash poor. However, the ultra-rich aren’t getting off that easy.

They also strongly oppose the cap on the state and local tax deduction, which hurts the rich but also impacts others in high-tax states such as New York, New Jersey and California.

In point of fact, something Progressive Democrats refuse to comprehend, the deductions on state taxes and mortgages still exist for most people, just not the Progressive Liberal Democrat donor class. They’re the ones who are getting hit.

Now the voters on those states are going to see just how badly off they are. When they do, two things may happen. First, they will start voting those tax fattened hyenas out of office. The second thing that may happen, and actually is happening, is all those taxpayers may just decide to take their money and beat feet to states that actually let them keep their hard earned wages.

Not One Penny spokesman Tim Hogan said Democrats should hit Republicans hard on the tax law in the midterms and work on repeal moving forward.

It would be wise for Democrats to continue the fight and show that they will do what they can to make sure the economy works for everyone, not just the wealthiest,” he said.

So, basically, lie through their teeth. Situation normal then. Perhaps they should recall the last time they tried this idea out. It was the 1984 election between him and Ronald Reagan. Reagan’s basic question to voters was “Are you better off now then you were 4 years ago?” For most people, the answer was yes. Mondale, a classic Progressive Democrat had this to say.

He then went on to lose 49 of the 50 states on one of the greatest landslides in American history. Keep it up Democrats. Even with your minions in the Media, people are starting to see the truth, and that truth is written in their paychecks.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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