ACLU upset at the word, “America”

Good day all. This little gem was missed after last week’s State of the Union address. The American Civil Liberties Union was annoyed with President Trump. Why? He had the audacity to use the word “America.”

In the week since President Trump gave his first State of the Union address, polls have indicated that most of the people liked it. They liked the positive remarks President Trump made and in most cases, agreed with his basic idea of “America First, but not alone.” However, the ACLU complained about that. They objected to President Trump using the word America “More than 80 times!” Here are the details from CNS News:

The American Civil Liberties Union — note the word “American” in its title — complained Tuesday night about President Trump’s repeated use of the word “America” in his State of the Union speech.

In a written response to Trump’s speech, Faiz Shakir, the ACLU’s national political director, said:

Tonight, President Trump said the word ‘America’ more than 80 times in his speech. Yet, after a divisive first year, we hear and feel how exclusionary that ‘America’ is, with policies that have harmed so many vulnerable American communities. The ACLU stands ready to protect these communities, both in the courts and at the polls.

In particular, the immigration plan put forth by Trump would hold Dreamers hostage to his demands for a harmful border wall and an even larger mass deportation force. We are at this crossroads because of the President’s deeply destructive ideas fomented by his nativist allies and divisive rhetoric. We will continue to stand up for these young immigrants and ensure they continue to contribute to our country. We cannot let America’s Dreamers be deported.

First, the ACLU has a political director? How Soviet of them! Of course, since the ACLU was founded by Communists with the goal of using America’s own laws and Constitution against us, having a Zampolit makes sense. They’ve always had the goal of creating the United Soviet States of America.

Second, the ACLU’s, not tin ear, but solid lead ear on President Trump’s offer. Personally, I’m opposed to granting amnesty to all the criminal aliens, however, isn’t this what the ACLU wants? All these criminals allowed to stay and not be rounded up and deported back to the third world hellholes they came from? Oh wait! I forgot! They want no borders at all and an end to American sovereignty.

They ACLU hates America, they are totally Uncivil, they don’t not believe in individual liberty and like most unions, prefer to use force and coercion to get what they want. Just how bad are they? The ACLU refuses to support the 2nd Amendment. They used to be fairly good with the 1st Amendment, but of late, haven’t been that supportive of people who don’t toe the Progressive totalitarian line. (Local chapters do differ from the National HQ)

The ACLU jumped the shark long ago. There are other groups out there that actually do support the Constitution, all parts of it, not just those parts that line up politically with their views. They also support individuals. The ACLU? They’re very big on “Group think.” The idiocy of objecting to the use of the word “America” by President Trump demonstrates why they are sliding into irrelevancy.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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