The new RINO Leader wants Trump Primaried

Good day all. It seems that Juan Ellis Bush, (AKA Jeb Bush), still isn’t over the fact that he and his family were roundly rejected in 2016. After setting fire to $100 million dollars, and winning…nothing, he still thinks that his opinions actually carry any weight.

In a recent interview with CNN, Juan the whiner stated that President Trump should face a primary challenger. Here are the details from the Fake News Network:

Former 2016 Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush said he thinks a Republican should challenge President Donald Trump in next year’s election, arguing the party “ought to be a given a choice.”

Oh this should be fun.

“I think someone should run. Just because Republicans ought to be given a choice,” said Bush, who also served as the governor of Florida, in an interview with David Axelrod that will air Saturday on “The Axe Files.” He added that beating Trump in 2020 will be difficult for anyone because “he has a strong, loyal base” and “it’s hard to beat a sitting president.”

This sounds like Jaun wants to run again and blow yet another $100 million dollars.

“But to have a conversation about what it is to be a conservative I think is important,” he added. “And our country needs to have competing ideologies that people — that are dynamic, that focus on the world we’re in and the world we’re moving towards rather than revert back to a nostalgic time.”

Juan and his brother George, are anything but conservatives. They are both open borders, Chamber of Commerce globalists. George W. Bush was, at best, a mediocre president. (Of course compared to Obama, he was a total success) Jeb Bush, during the 2016 primary season, showed the Republican party that he was completely out of touch with the Republican base, and, for that matter, most of America.

Bush’s comments came as he was discussing Maryland Republican Gov. Larry Hogan, whose inauguration speech in January caused some to question whether or not he was eyeing a 2020 bid.

Hogan is the governor of Maryland. Maryland isn’t quite the disaster that is Connecticut or Kalifornistan, but it’s right down there. If he runs, he’ll be seen as just another fake Republican and will be crushed in the primaries…like Juan Ellis Bush.

In his own speech at the inauguration, Bush lauded Hogan, regarding him as being “at the top of a list of leaders that I admire today because what’s happening here in Annapolis is the antithesis of what’s happening in Washington, DC, these days.”

In other words, he’s just another member of the Uniparty, one who will quickly surrender to whatever the CommuNazis want. Thanks for the information Juan.

In the weeks following his inauguration, Hogan, a moderate Republican, told CNN he hasn’t closed the door to challenging Trump in a Republican primary.

“People are talking to me about it,” he said at the the time. “I’m flattered people are saying that and including me in those discussions. My focus, my plan right now is to stay here for four years and do the best job I can in Maryland, but I’ve said, ‘You never say never.’ Who knows what’s going to happen.”

I can tell you what’s going to happen. You will be hammered and hammered hard. Why don’t you just go back to governing that mess of a state, and clean up that disaster area known as Baltimore?

Bush didn’t say whether or not he’s spoken to Hogan about a potential run, instead offering advice to Republicans ahead of the election by telling Axelrod that the party needs to “offer a compelling alternative” to Democratic ideas rather than just calling their ideas “bad.”

Hey Juan! How about pulling your head out and paying attention? Yes, President Trump calls the CommuNazis “Ideas” bad. Guess what? They are bad you idiot! He also has his plans, which, unlike you, your brother and father, he is actually trying to put into place.

He’s already passed tax cuts, made a great start at tearing down the regulatory state, and has put millions of Americans back to work. He did this by not being a Bush. Donald Trump fights back when attacked. The Bush’s have long shown that when they are attacked, they quickly drop their pans, break out the Vasoline and run up the white flag. It’s time to face facts Juan. America is not listening to you and your Neocon buddies any longer. It’s time to just go away.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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