Just how much will the Green New Deal cost?

Good day all. It looks like Alexandria Occasional-Cortex’s Green New Deal has slipped down the media memory hole, at least for a while. It’s still percolating among the socialist totalitarians of the CommuNazi Party who have announced their failed bids to be president in 2020. One thing that has also slipped off the radar is the actual cost of this fiasco.

This isn’t surprising since the last thing the CommuNazi Propaganda Department, (formally the Main Stream Media), wants to do is provide any ammunition to the slave class voters. Well, someone ran the numbers and it’s worse than anyone thought. Here are the details from Fox News:

The sweeping “Green New Deal” proposed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., could cost as much as $93 trillion, or approximately $600,000 per household, according to a new study co-authored by the former director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

The sobering and staggering cost estimate came as Democratic presidential hopeful Kamala Harris pointedly declined in an interview broadcast Sunday to put a price tag on the Green New Deal and “Medicare-for-all,” saying “it’s not about a cost,” but rather return on investment. The Green New Deal’s botched rollout included the release of an official document by Ocasio-Cortez’s office that promised economic security even for those “unwilling to work,” and called for the elimination of “farting cows” and air travel.

The Fox article breaks down the costs and honestly, I think they are underestimating the sheer level of economic destruction the GND would cause if it were ever implemented. Some of the idiot ideas are building a high speed rail system to replace air travel. Let’s take a look at this, shall we?

Between the 1870’s and the 1950’s rail travel was really the only way you could travel from the East Coast to the Left Coast or anywhere else in between. It took, and still takes a good week to make that trip. In order to replace jet aircraft, you would need to develop a rail system that could travel at least 400 miles per hour sustained.

The technology for this does not exist. At best, the fastest trains going can hit 200 or so mile an hour. Test trains have gone faster, but there is a limit to just what the rails and infrastructure can handle. Also, these trains run in Europe and Japan, which, to put it bluntly, aren’t all that big compared to North America. And, of course, there is that question about the time it will take to take the express train to Hawaii.

Then there is the “Brilliant idea” of moving to windmills and solar farms to replace our current power generation systems. The problem with that is, these systems costs at least 3 times what our normal energy systems cost. They are also not reliable. I’m not going to bother with things like amperage and no load generators. You can look those up.

Another issue is food production, American farms are the most productive in the world. They are also very energy intensive. Those big farming machines, (Tractors, combines, etc), run on diesel fuel, not batteries. While farms are always looking for ways to cut costs and increase yields, scrapping the system now in place will guarantee one certain thing. Global starvation.

I won’t even bother going into forcing people to basically tear down their homes and rebuild them to the “Green New Deal specifications.” Renovating or replacing every building would cost tens of trillions of dollars. Considering the skilled labor to do the work doesn’t exist, this means bringing poorly trained people in with the concurrent collapse of any form of quality control.

Finally, there is another major issue. This is nothing more then simple totalitarianism. In order to force this down the throats of people who would refuse to go along, Occasional-Cortex and all the other CommuNazis would have to end the Constitution, end American Freedoms and institute a full blown police state. If they actually think that this would be allowed to happen, I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I think Alexandria Occasional-Cortex might want to buy.

This is the problem of course. Twits like AOC, and far to many morons with worthless college degrees are incapable of thinking. They are flat out stupid. When someone takes the time to explain to them what socialism really is, and they use Venezuela as the current example, their brains lock up.

If the CommuNazis somehow regain control of the government and try to implement this, it will lead to violence on a level not seen in this country since the last Civil War. You don’t want to know just how bad that wold be, but if you are capable of actual thinking, take a look at the causalities from the American Civil War and the total population of the United States in the 1860’s. Now match those with today’s population. That is what will happen if the Green New Deal were ever attempted.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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