If you liked Obamacare…

You will love Medicare for All. Good day all. One of the many things that CommuNazi party is planning on shoving down American’ throats is the successor to the ever unpopular, Obamacare. This is Medicare for all, or socialist medical care.

Since the CommuNazis are both incapable of learning from past mistakes, and have no interest in what “The little People” want, they have decided that forcing everyone into a government run medical system is just what is needed. They previously tried this with “Feloniacare”, (Originally called Hillarycare), back in the 90’s. That disaster was strangled in it’s crib and never saw the light of day. Obamacare, as we have seen, is an unmitigated disaster. It was literally shoved down the throats of the American People without a single Republican vote. One of the things it did was destroy the private insurance market.

I used to have my own insurance. Thanks to Obamacare, the premiums skyrocketed and I was unable to adjust things to change my costs. I was finally forced to drop it when the monthly premiums exceeded my mortgage payments. Yes, thanks to Obamacare, it came down to a choice of paying to much for insurance or feeding myself and keeping a roof over my head.

Now the latest CommuNazi plan, Medicare for all, will finish what Obamacare started. Here are the details from Fox News:

House Democrats on Wednesday unveiled their latest “Medicare-for-all” bill — a sweeping overhaul of the nation’s health care system that would largely outlaw private insurance as part of what critics call a one-size-fits-all government takeover.

It would move America to a virtual single-payer system, like systems used in the U.K. and Canada, and promises to “prevent healthcare corporations from overcharging for the costs of their services and profiting off illness and injury.”

How about asking a Canadian or a victim of the United Kingdom’s National Health Service what they think of their systems? They are far better at killing patients then saving them. Of course, the CommuNazis don’[t see it that way.

It’s time to put people’s health over profit. Our bill will cover everyone. Not just those who are fortunate enough to have employer-sponsored insurance,” Jayapal said in a statement. “Not just children. Not just seniors. Not just those who are healthy. Everyone. Because healthcare is a human right. We will need every single person in the country to help us, to stand with us, to organize and to fight for this.”

Everybody in, nobody out,” Jayapal said at a press conference, according to The Guardian, where she hailed the bill as a “complete transformation of our healthcare system.”

The legislation, though, revives a controversy over what such a health care overhaul would mean for private insurance. Under the new proposal, private insurance plans could only be used to supplement coverage that is offered by the government, “for any additional benefits not covered by this Act.”

But the text of the proposal makes clear that private policies would largely be eliminated. One clause in the bill makes it “unlawful” for a private health insurer “to sell health insurance coverage that duplicates the benefits provided under this Act.” The text also prohibits employers from doing the same.

So, once again, the CommuNazis intent is to strip people of their individual rights and move to a totalitarian for of government. If you want to take the Canadian or U.K. systems as an example, consider that many Canadians actually come to the United States to get diagnostic tests and treatments that they aren’t allowed to get under their systems.

In the U.K., when parents of children that the NHS, (National Health Service), has deemed not worth saving attempted to take their children to the United States, at no cost to the British taxpayers, they actually deployed police officers to stop the parents and threatened them with arrest. Under the system the CommuNazis want to shove down American throats, the exact same thing will happen here. However, there is one small detail the CommuNazis have overlooked. Americans are NOT Europeans.

If something like that were to happen in the United States, (And believe or not, it has once or twice), there is a very good chance that the family and a large number of friends, knowing they will get no help from the courts, might just go down to the execution center hospital armed to the teeth. I don’t have to describe what will happen then.

Then there is another factor the CommuNazis aren’t bothering with. The costs of what they are planning is in the 10’s of trillions of dollars.

Republicans immediately painted the plan as “disastrous,” pointing to studies that suggest the price tag could be as high as $32 trillion.

“Medicare for all will eliminate private insurance, make trips to the DMV look like a Caribbean vacation and cost taxpayers trillions. Good luck to the vulnerable House Democrats who will be forced to defend this $32 trillion boondoggle,” National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Michael McAdams said in a statement.

Personally, I think that number is low. Some of the ways that the CommuNazis will try to control costs will be exactly the same way they do it in Europe. By denying treatment to anyone they deem unworthy. They will also, for all intents and purposes, conscript all medical personnel into their system. They will basically be told what they can earn. Since it costs doctors and nurses a fortune to master their and update their skills, you can expect a large number just walking away.

The legislation was quiet on the question of price. According to Politico, Jayapal said she plans to release a separate list of suggested funding mechanisms — which include additional taxes or mandated employer contributions.

And there goes the economy!

According to a fact sheet from Dingell’s office, the transition to Medicare-for-all would take two years. The coverage would include all primary care, dental, vision, maternity and newborn care, prescription drugs, mental health services and others. It would also cover “women’s reproductive health services.” The plan would appear to leave little that could be covered by private insurers.

One thing I don’t know about, is how this would deal with “Concierge Medicine.” These are doctors, nurses and clinics that are a cash only system. They do not deal with insurance companies at all. From what little I know, they tend to have a lower overhead since they don’t need the staff to handle the insurance claims. I suspect the CommuNazis, once they see most of the medical community moving to that system, will ban it. It’s what they do.

The move marks a radical shift from former President Barack Obama’s original pitch for ObamaCare — where he falsely promised: “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.” That statement was eventually labeled “lie of the year” by Politifact.

On Monday, fellow 2020 hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., was asked on CNN if, under his plan, people could keep their private plans.

No,” Sanders responded mid-question as he shook his head. “What will change in their plans is the color of their card. So, instead of having a Blue Cross/Blue Shield card, instead of having a United Health Insurance card, they’re gonna have a Medicare card.”

This is what the CommuNazi party intends for Americans. To be reduced to nothing more then serfs who’s sole purpose is to serve their masters. I can almost guarantee that one group that will get first class medical care will be the ruling elites. Donning my tin foil hat, I wouldn’t be at all surprised that if someone like Alexandria Occasional-Cortex needed an organ transplant, they wouldn’t just ‘Jump the line” on the waiting list. The perfect match would be found and that person would be “harvested.”

The CommuNazi Party has gone completely around the bend. They have been releasing one plan after another since taking office in January, all of them showing that they have nothing but contempt for individual rights, freedoms or liberty. They also have no clue as to what the consequences of their plans will be, but I think I’m safe in saying, it won’t end well for them. The best way to protect ourselves is to flush the Democrat Party, now known as the totalitarian CommuNazi party, down the drain in 2020.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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