The Democrats throw in the towel

Since the day after President Trump won the election, the Democrats have been screaming “Impeach!!!” They used illegal means to generate FISA warrants, and used a fake dossier they paid for to trigger the Mueller Inquisition.

Now, after almost two years of trying to gin up a fake collusion charge, and with the Mueller Inquisition winding down, the Democrats are faced with their worst nightmare. There really was nothing there, and they have no grounds to impeach President Trump. Here are the details from The New York Post:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Monday that she’s against impeaching President Trump “unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan.” Which is exactly the point — there isn’t.

The speaker is surely up to speed on what evidence Democrats actually have against Trump and has a fair sense of what Special Counsel Bob Mueller’s report will say. And she recognizes that it’s nothing that will persuade anyone who hasn’t wanted Trump ousted since Election Day 2016.

Which means that moving to impeach him would be not just “divisive to the country,” as she says, but also bad for Democrats — since it would show them as unable to resist the most demented demands of their base.

How sad, after 2 years of screeching “Russia! Russia! Russia!” and “Collusion!”, all that’s come out of these investigations, and which the CommuNazi Propaganda Corps has been working overtime to bury, was just how corrupt the previous administration was, and how they and the Department of Justice abused their authority and violated the civil rights of everyone associated with the Trump family.

Now, will Pelosi call off the dogs?

You’re joking, right?

Committee Chairmen Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff will keep on subpoenaing away, and grandstanding for the cameras — in hopes of maybe somehow, someday, somewhere finding some genuine dirt, while at least harassing the president, his family and associates and feeding an endless string of breathless this time, Trump is going down reports.

And there is a very good chance that these “hearings” will blow up in their faces. There is a difference between investigating and harassing people, including the President. By their very own statements, these CommuNazis fully intend to do the latter. That’s when the courts get involved, and yes, they can and will quash all the subpoenas being issued of they aren’t actually part of a legitimate hearing. Even Adam Schiftface is beginning to understand that they have nothing. When San Fran Nan came out and said forget the impeachment, he came to her defense. According to the Washington Examiner:

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., rushed to the defense of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Monday, saying only “graphic evidence” would warrant an impeachment gamble against President Trump.

Evidence which doesn’t exist. This isn’t going to stop theme from manufacturing some if they have to.

In October, Schiff opened the door to impeaching Trump over family tax fraud, but he also tamped down expectations in an interview in January in which he said Trump would more likely be voted out of office.

More wishful thinking on the part of Schiftface. It would take an economic disaster of Bushlike levels for that to happen, and a candidate who was such a complete waste of oxygen that he handed the election to his opponent. (See McCain/Obama) As to the tax nonsense? President Trump has been audited for years. If there was anything there, the IRS would have already found it.

Schiff has adamantly stressed his committee will continue its work unimpeded regardless of what Mueller’s report says. He also declared in late February that if Mueller’s full report on the investigation is not released to the public after it is completed, his panel would bring him in to testify to Congress.

So, in other words, he intends to abuse his position and harass a sitting president, his family and friends for the simple reason that he won and Felonia von Pantsuit lost. Good to know. Oh, by the way Schiftface, I saw an interesting story about how the DOJ under Lynch was fully in the tank for von Pantsuit and always planned to whitewash her actions. Are you going to investigate that? Didn’t think so.

These so called “Investigations” the CommuNazis are running, not just into President Trump, but everything else are starting to be seen for what they are. An assault on anyone who will not support the Democrats CommuNazis. The Progressives that came into the House this year are probably going to be one term wonders, and with a little bit of luck, drag down all the party fossils elders as well in 2020.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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