Judge says criminals can ask for asylum

Good day all. One of the biggest problems facing President Trump are judges who put foreign criminals ahead of American citizens. Recently, President Trump issued an order denying asylum claims for illegal aliens who jumped the border.

This, of course, set off the usual traitors suspects who went judge shopping to get this stopped. As expected, they found one who promptly ruled against President Trump. Here are the details from Fox News:

President Trump’s push to limit the number of asylum seekers flooding across the border suffered another defeat in the courts on Friday, when a federal judge ruled that the government cannot stop migrants from claiming asylum in the U.S., even if they have crossed the border illegally.

The decision concerned a policy announced by Trump in November that bars migrants who entered the U.S. across the southern border from being eligible for asylum unless they presented themselves at a port of entry. Trump has said he was acting in response to caravans of migrants making their way to the border.

On Friday, Judge Randolph Moss said that the president had determined that the influx of migrants across the border poses a “particular problem for the national interest,” but Moss ruled that the assessment “is neither sufficient to override a statutory mandate permitting all aliens present in the United States to apply for asylum” whether or not they arrived at a designated port of entry.

And who appointed this treasonous judge? I’ll give you three guesses, but you will only need one.

“The Rule’s direction that ‘an alien shall be ineligible for asylum’ if the alien entered the United States outside a designated port of entry is not ‘compatible’ with the congressional mandate that all aliens present in the United States may ‘apply’ for asylum, regardless of whether they entered the United States at a designated port of entry,” he said.

There is also a rule that asylum seekers must apply at the first country they arrive at. In most cases, it isn’t the United States, it’s Mexico. As for this “Law” we can once again thank the late, lamented Senator from Massachusetts, Edward Moore “Fat Boy” Kennedy. Still, this judge is aiding and abetting a foreign invasion of the United States.

Also last month, a California federal judge blocked a rule that would require migrants to first apply in one of the countries they cross on their way to the U.S. — with certain exceptions. The rule is targeted at tens of thousands of Central Americans who cross Mexico each month trying to enter the U.S.

And that ruling was issued by yet another Obama Judge. The Obama judges have a record now of acting against the interests of the United States and it’s citizens, in many cases in violation of both the laws and the Constitution. This may have to wait until after President Trump is reelected, but the time has come to start removing these judges from the bench.

If I were President Trump, I wouldn’t even bother with impeaching them. (The CommuNazis will always protect their own) I would start with criminal charges and arrest them. Who knows? You might even be able to get charges that match the constitutional definition of treason against some of these black robed judicial tyrants. In any case, it’s now time for President Trump to actively consider ignoring these judges and closing the borders by all means necessary, up to and including deploying troops with orders to shot to kill anyone crossing illegally.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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