Why is No Nads Nadler so hot to get Trump?

Good day all, Representative, (Of idiots), Jerrold “No Nads” Nadler is still saying he is going to impeach President Trump, even if he has to make up reasons to do it. The question to ask, is why? What is driving No Nads Nadler?

According to Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, No Nads is doing it so he can keep his fat commie ass in his seat in Washington. Here are the details from Fox News:

Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney reacted to the aftermath of Robert Mueller’s testimony and a new push for investigating President Trump by claiming it is simply House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., trying to keep his job.

Nadler is facing a primary challenge from Lindsey Boylan, a progressive candidate looking to do to him what Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., did to House veteran Joe Crowley. Boylan has called for Trump’s impeachment, and Mulvaney thinks Nadler is now doing the same in an effort to stave off the threat from the left.

“He is falling over himself to become more and more progressive, in order to try and keep his job and not lose to the next AOC” Mulvaney said.

That is part of the story of course, but there is also a bit of a back story. No Nads and President Trump have a history going back decades, and they do not like each other. This, in my not so honest opinion, is the real reason No Nads is going after President Trump. Pure animosity, and he is willing to abuse his authority to “Get Trump!”

Honestly, I wouldn’t worry so much about Occasional-Cortex. There is a better then even chance that she will be a “One and Done” member of congress, and will be back working in topless bars in no time. She has really pissed off a lot of people in her distract, and costing the state 25,000 high paying jobs with her Communist rhetoric isn’t helping her. No Nads is crooked, but the Communists are a flat out threat to this country. Most people, even in New York, aren’t complete idiots.

Nadler said after Mueller’s testimony that “there appears to be compelling evidence of the president’s misconduct outside of the four corners of the redacted version of Mueller report, and we will work to uncover that evidence as well.” Mulvaney said that Nadler also told people he has initiated an impeachment inquiry.

“This is not over in their minds, which is just bizarre given what happened this week, (July 25th),” Mulvaney said, referring to Mueller’s hearing. Trump and fellow Republicans touted the hearing as a victory due to Mueller’s lackluster performance in the face of scrutiny from GOP questioning, and a lack of new information to support Democrats.

No Nads knows there is no “There there”, however he doesn’t care. He see’s his mission as getting Trump by any means necessary, and the Law and Constitution be damned! Granted, Impeachment is a political, not criminal process and, theoretically, you can impeach a president for liking his steak well done with ketchup. However, most people that to impeach a president, there should be some underlying crimes that have gone on, such as covering up a break in, lying under oath or using the government to go after your political enemies.

Mulvaney also criticized Mueller’s comments regarding obstruction of justice, and how the report said he did not “exonerate” Trump.

“You don’t get exonerated, you are innocent until proven guilty,” Mulvaney said. “This is over.”

No Nads and the rest of the CommuNazis honestly think that going after President Trump is a winning strategy. They refuse to consider all the things that could go wrong if they rammed through an impeachment and sent it to the Senate. To begin with, The Senate will laugh it out of the building.

Second, most Americans are against impeaching President Trump. They don’t see any crimes he has committed, other then Felony “Defeating Felonia von Pantsuit,” and hurting their “Feewings.”

The current crop of moonbats running for the Democrat Nomination have basically said they intend to end this nation as a constitutional republic and institute a totalitarian Marxist state. If they actually managed to remove President Trump, they would then go after Mike Pence, who would step into his shoes.

If they got him as well, then Speaker of the House San Fran Nan Pelosi would become president. Then the move to a totalitarian single party state could begin in earnest. This is actually the fantasy many of the Progressive Liberal Democrats have and they are constantly working their scenarios where this would happen.

They fail, as Progressives always do, to consider the ramifications if they actually pulled this off. Flat out armed revolt by people who, unlike Progressives, have guns, know how to use them and, in many cases, have actual combat experience. Even if they think all those “racist white rednecks and trailer trash” did rise up, they would be quickly wiped out. But, that’s a scenario we should all leave in a book somewhere.

As for No Nads, I think he does deserve to lose his primary. Then the Communist that moves into place might just face a Republican who comes across as rational and actually interested in how people are doing. (The Democrats make noise about being “Ever so caring”, but they really don’t care at all) As I’ve said before, 2020 is going to be very interesting. 2021, when Trump is sworn in for his second term will be even more fun, especially if the Democrats basically commit political suicide.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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