Green New Deal re-institutes slavery in America

Good day all. Alexandria Occasional-Cortex’s Green New Deal is still out there, looking to destroy America. Now, more numbers have come in on what it will cost, and, to be blunt, it will reduce most Americans to serfs and slaves.

When the GND was first announced, the numbers that came out on how much it would cost were staggering. However, people have trouble comprehending $100 trillion dollars and how that will affect them. Now we have some new numbers from the Competitive Enterprise Institute and Power the Future on what this will cost the individual. Here are the details from Fox News:

Radically transforming energy consumption under the “Green New Deal” (GND) would cost the average household at least $70,000 in the first year of its rollout, and a cool quarter-million dollars total after five years, a new study concluded.

Within the first year of implementing the program, the average household in each of the given states (Alaska, Florida, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Pennsylvania) would incur at least $70,000 in expenses — followed by roughly $45,000 in annual expenses for each of the following 2-5 years and over $37,000 after that time frame.

Well, since I live in New Hampshire, I can see what this will cost me. I didn’t need things like food, heat, a roof over my head, so let’s go and institute the Green New Deal!!! (That was sarcasm in case you’re a liberal)

Their estimates came on the same day as the Democrats’ second primary debate, which included leading progressive candidates who not only have endorsed the GND, but who also sought public support from its visionary, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. A slew of other candidates – including the party’s frontrunner, former Vice President Joe Biden — have endorsed the basics of the project. Three congressional Democrats introduced a carbon tax bill last week that similarly would seek a drastic reduction in emissions.

The “Carbon tax” is specifically designed to impoverish Americans and enrich the leftist elites. Al Gore came up with his “Carbon Credit” scheme, where he would sell worthless pieces paper claiming he would plant trees. All he planted was a new foundation for a massive mansion that burns through more power in a week then most houses do in a year.

Ocasio-Cortez has downplayed cost concerns and mocked conservatives whom she argued were like Dr. Evil, demanding outlandish ransoms in the “Austin Powers” movies. But a host of studies — albeit, mostly from right-leaning organizations — have found that the Green New Deal’s costs would be astronomical.

Astronomical is an understatement. There literally isn’t enough money on Earth to pay for this disaster if they tried to implement it. It would reduce Americans to poverty rivaling your typical turd world hellhole. (Well, it would put an end to illegal immigration into the United States) It would also require the tearing up of the Constitution of the United States. Of course, Occasional-Cortex and the rest of the Democrats have no problem with that idea. They would start with the 13th Amendment.

Like other studies of the Green New Deal, CEI’s cautioned that its findings likely underestimated the program’s actual costs.

“Most provisions of the GND are so broad and open-ended that the list of potential programs necessary to implement the program is limited by the capacity of legislators to imagine a new government program,” authors Daniel Turner and Kent Lassman wrote. “Therefore, it is impossible to calculate the whole or maximum cost of the GND. However, other parts of the GND are more precise, sufficiently so that an approximate minimum cost estimate is available.”

Just transitioning to electric vehicles and building a high-speed rail would cost the average household at least $20,000 in each of the states analyzed. Shipping cost increases ranged from $181 to $308 annually while the costs for an electrical grid ranged from $22,773 in New Hampshire to $52,796 in Alaska.

Never mind the problems of where the electrical power to recharge the batteries would be coming from, (No fossil fuel or nuclear power generation plants), or the problem that electric cars have serious issues with cold weather. (The batteries don’t hold a charge when it gets to cold) And, of course, there is the range problem. Electric cars, despite the hype, do not have anywhere near the range of a car powered by the good old internal combustion engine.

Despite its support among 2020 Democrats, the Green New Deal has faced dismal political prospects. Not only is the Senate dominated by Republicans, but the chamber also defeated a measure to bring her resolution to a floor vote. Democrats called it a “sham” move.

I love the fact that when the Democrats were flat out told to “Put up or shut up” they ran as fast as they could from the Green New Deal. The whole point of the GND is not to “Solve Global Warming” it’s all about power. Taking it away from the average American and giving it to a small group of elitists.

It would also finally tip the scales and start the Second American Civil War. People losing everything aren’t going to just let it happen. Thankfully, the Green New Deal isn’t going to happen, and even though they continue to try, the Democrats are not going to be able to repeal the 13th Amendment and return slavery to America.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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