Alexandria Occasional-Cortex’s puppet-master forced out

Good day all. This came out late Friday, (August 2nd). It seems that Alexandria Occasional-Cortex’s chief of staff has left her employ. This was after he managed her campaign to win her seat against a mediocre and entitled Democrat incumbent.

The reasons that Saikat Chakrabarti left are rather cloudy, but there are a number of people he has managed to really piss off, starting with the Speaker of the House, San Fran Nan Pelosi. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

Saikat Chakrabarti, the embattled chief of staff for freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is leaving his position following series of controversies that contributed to public divisions within the House Democratic Caucus.

Saikat has decided to leave the office of Rep. Ocasio-Cortez to work with [nonprofit group] New Consensus to further develop plans for a Green New Deal,” Corbin Trent, Ocasio-Cortez director of communications, told The Intercept Friday.

And the general consensus among the old line Demmoriods is “Good bye, Good riddance and never darken our doors again!”

We are extraordinarily grateful for his service to advance a bold agenda and improve the lives of the people in NY-14. From his co-founding of Justice Democrats to his work on the Ocasio-Cortez campaign and in the official office, Saikat’s goal has always been to do whatever he can to help the larger progressive movement, and we look forward to continuing working with him to do just that,” he continued.

Chakrabarti had to leave for another reason. He needed to get a head start before the Grand Jury indictments were handed down. It seems he has been playing fast and loose with campaign funds. Here are some of those details from the New York Post:

The Feds are looking into possible campaign finance misdeeds by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff and lead rainmaker, who suddenly resigned Friday, federal sources told The Post.

The inquiry centers on two political action committees founded by Saikat Chakrabarti, the top aide who quit along with Ocasio-Cortez spokesman Corbin Trent, the sources said.

It appears that Corbin Bent Trent left to work on Occasional-Cortex’s reelection campaign. As for Chakrabarti? He has some serious issues it seems.

The two PACs being probed, Brand New Congress and Justice Democrats, were both set up by Chakrabarti to support progressive candidates across the country.

For progressive, read “Tyrannical Totalitarian Communists.”

But they funneled more than $1 million in political donations into two private companies that Chakrabarti also incorporated and controlled, according to Federal Election Commission filings and a complaint filed in March with the regulatory agency. In 2016 and 2017, the PACs raised about $3.3 million, mostly from small donors. A third of the cash was transferred to two private companies whose names are similar to one of the PACs — Brand New Congress LLC and Brand New Campaign LLC — federal campaign filings show.

Ever since she took office, there has been stories rolling around the edges of the Internet regarding both Chakrabarti and Occasional-Cortex and how these funds were handled. The indications were that it wasn’t sloppiness, but probable fraud.

In March, when the FEC complaints were filed, a lawyer for the PACs, the LLCs and the Ocasio-Cortez campaign told the Washington Post that the arrangement “fully complied with the law and the highest ethical standards” and that Chakrabarti never profited from any of the political entities he formed.

They may also have violated the $5,000 limit on contributions from federal PACs to candidates, according to the complaint. It is not known if any of that money flowed to Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign.

Oh I think it’s safe to say it did. Granted, it has to be proved with evidence instead of “Feewings”, but people like these two are not noted for their brilliance as criminal masterminds. Mastermorons is more like it.

Federal authorities are looking at new salary rules imposed by Ocasio-Cortez when she took office earlier this year, and whether they were put in place to let Chakrabarti dodge public financial-disclosure rules, according to sources.

Although Ocasio-Cortez raised the salaries of junior staffers in her office to just over $52,000 a year, Chakrabarti took a massive pay cut. The Harvard graduate and tech millionaire agreed to an annual salary of $80,000 — far less than the $146,830 average pay for his position.

Really? Why did he agree to such a thing? Granted, he’s probably got enough money salted away to take care of his needs, but he could have just as easily donated his pay the way President Trump does. Of course, Chakrabarti is a typical rich progressive. He prefers to share other people’s wealth, not his own.

Because his salary was less than $126,000, congressional rules exempted the chief of staff from having to disclose his outside income.

And now we have the answer. If he didn’t have to disclose his outside income, then he wouldn’t have to keep records and leave a paper trail for the Feds to follow. If he hadn’t been such a dick head, he might still be in place and not looking over his shoulder.

In June and July, Chakrabarti accused Pelosi of being a weak leader and said that moderate Democrats were racists, “hell-bent to do to black and brown people today what the old Southern Democrats did in the 40s.”

And this is NOT the way to win friends and influence people dumbass. The Democrats will move heaven and earth to protect one of their own, but when that individual publicly insults the leadership, not only will they not protect him, they will make sure that he is buried in the deepest, darkest hole they can find for him. If this moron also got Occasional-Cortex’s signature on certain documents that the Feds will be reviewing, he may very well drag her down with him. Such a shame isn’t it.


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