Laurence “Lost” Tribe demonstrates his insanity again

Good day all. One again, Harvard Law professor Laurence “Lost” Tribe has demonstrated that it’s time for him to be put in a home somewhere.

As you know, there have been a couple of lunatics who opened fire and murdered many people this weekend. One of the scumbags was taken alive, sadly, and we will find out what was going through his head. The other was cut down in seconds by local police, but not before he killed 9 people, including his sister. (She may have been the target. More will be learned in the days ahead)

This brings us to Laurence Tribe. He has been teaching Law at Harvard University for decades. He also hates President Trump and is a flaming Moonbat. Since President Trump won the election, Tribe has been trying to force him out of office, starting with trying to subvert the Electoral college. Now, his response to the two shootings is to demand President Trump be impeached. Here are the details of this idiocy from Fox News:

Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe has a history of passionate opposition to President Trump and calling for his impeachment, and he continued the trend Sunday by blaming Trump for a pair of shootings that took place over the weekend in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio.

“How many more people have to DIE violent deaths at racist hands before impeaching the president for inciting white nationalist terrorism and violence is taken as seriously as impeaching him for obstructing justice? The real national emergency is Donald J. Trump’s terrorism,” Tribe tweeted Sunday morning.

As usual for Progressives, Tribe is projecting. President Trump is not a racist, no mater how many times scum like Tribe accuse him of it. There is also the small matter of The Law and The Constitution, two things Lost Tribe is allegedly teaching his students.

When asked for an explanation by Fox News, Tribe did not go into any legal analysis, but said, “There is an alarming pattern of incitements that together warrant being taken seriously in conjunction with other, more specific, offenses.”

So, basically, he wants to impeach President Trump because he doesn’t like what he has to say. I gather Tribe doesn’t spend much, if any time teaching the 1st Amendment to the Constitution. You know, the one that protects our right of free speech?

Tribe subsequently clarified by saying that he is not saying that Trump “should be impeached” for “racist incitements alone,” rather that “impeaching the president for inciting white nationalist terrorism and violence [should be] taken as seriously as impeaching him for obstructing justice.”

Once again I am so thankful that I didn’t get the job I interviewed for at Harvard Law School. At best I would have been fired for calling this idiot a complete ass, and at worst arrested for bouncing his head off a wall. (Not that it would have done any damage…well, maybe to the wall. I wonder, is the old “Fighting Words” defense still valid these days?)

“It’s the pattern of abuses of his office as president that is accumulating, in my view, to a strong basis for formal impeachment proceedings beyond what various House committees are already conducting by way of investigating possible Articles of Impeachment,” he said.

I wonder if Lost Tribe has forgotten the second part of the impeachment process? You know, where President Trump has to be convicted in the Senate? While the House might actually impeach Trump, The Senate is going to laugh this out of the building. In fact, if the House were to Impeach President Trump, and it was on the grounds that he is Donald Trump.

Lost Tribe is a hardcore Leftist. He hates everything the United States was built on. People like to say that he is a brilliant legal scholar, but his statements and actions belie that. His case of Trump Derangement Syndrome is so intense that he really should step down from his position and retire. If he refuses, then Harvard should look into removing him. They won’t of course. The Harvard Administration is just as bad as Lost Tribe is.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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