Good day all. Recently the Trump administration issued a new rule for immigrants regarding their becoming public charges. By this, I mean coming here and going on welfare.
The new rule is designed to prevent this. However, with all of the usual suspects gnashing their teeth and screaming “Racist!”, no one bothered to ask the people who could save money under this rule, the American Taxpayer. Apparently it does save a few dollars. Here are the details from Fox Business:
A new White House rule that requires foreigners seeking to enter the U.S. disclose their use of public benefits would save taxpayers about $2.27 billion per year, according to the Department of Homeland Security. That’s about $6.89 per U.S. citizen.
That may seem like pocket changes to the Progressive Liberal Elite and the Chamber of Commerce, but that is money that can be spent on other things, like a cup of overpriced sewage pretending to be coffee at Starbucks.
The final rule, which was announced Monday, (August 12th), and goes into effect Oct. 15, would cost applicants somewhere between $45 million and $130 million per year, when considering time spent on paperwork, lost wages and legal fees.
The Trump administration wants to know how likely an immigrant is to become a “public charge,” someone who receives government benefits like food stamps, Section 8 housing assistance and some forms of Medicaid. Being a public charge would make it less likely for U.S. officials to approve applications for entrance to the U.S. or for a green card.
That sounds like a good idea to me, and I have first hand knowledge of the immigration system. The former Mrs. Webmaster, (And now the current Angry Girlfriend), has not taken a single dime in government money. She has, in fact, been a benefit to the country. She’s worked every day she was allowed to and she pays taxes.
“Through the public charge rule, President Trump’s administration is re-enforcing the ideal of self-sufficiency and personal responsibility, ensuring that immigrants are able to support themselves and become successful in America,” acting U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services director Ken Cuccinelli said at the White House Monday.
Which is the tradition in America. Ever since people started coming to the New World, even before the United States existed, they wanted to build a new life for themselves. It’s only be recently that we have had boatloads of immigrants, (Mostly illegal), who come here and demand welfare.
Immigrant rights groups quickly denounced the rule. The National Immigration Law Center said it intends to sue the Trump administration to halt the rule’s implementation.
“This news is a cruel new step toward weaponizing programs that are intended to help people by making them, instead, a means of separating families and sending immigrants and communities of color one message: you are not welcome here,” NILC executive director Marielena Hincapie said in a statement Monday.
And there’s the racism card! Never mind that it also affects immigrants from places like Poland, Ireland, Germany, England, you know, places that are full of people that have rather pale complexions.
The DHS estimate was far lower than an analysis by Boundless Immigration, a tech company that shepherds immigration through the U.S. immigration system. Boundless estimated that the paperwork costs of the rule could go as high as $13 billion.
Boundless Immigration? Is that another name for “Borders are obsolete! Come in and demand citizens pay for your new car and house!”?
The Center for Immigration Studies, which favors lower levels of immigration, found in 2015 that the average household headed by an immigrant costs $6,234 per year in taxpayer-funded benefits.
Now I won’t comment on these numbers. I haven’t studied them and I’m not qualified to. However, there is a little checkbox I had to click, on pain of perjury, that the Angry Girlfriend would not become a cost to the American taxpayers. We’re both happy to say she never has.
Now the open borders types along with the Chamber of Commerce crowd see’s it differently. They want unfettered immigration. For the open borders types it’s to swamp the country and destroy us as a nation. For the Chamber of Commerce types, it’s for cheap, almost slave labor.
Most people have no issue with lawful immigrants. They respect them for all the work and trouble they went through to come here legally. Most of those immigrants want to become successful and eventually, American citizens. These are the immigrants that help Make America Great. The others, the ones who jump the border? They have no intention or interest in assimilating. These are the ones that demand we support them. Me? I’m all in favor of shipping them back where they came from. There are plenty of others who deserve to come here and will be great people.
~The Angry Webmaster~