Alexandria Occasional-Cortex is opposed to people making their own decisions

Good day all. If this is a day ending in a “Y”, then Representative Alexandria Occasional-Cortex has said something stupid. This time she’s come out against giving people any choices when they are forced to use Obamacare.

I’ve made no secret of my hatred for Obamacare. It has been an epic failure and a total disaster. I want it gone as soon as possible. One reason is hasn’t already been flushed down the tubes was Paul Ryano. When he was Speaker of the House, and President Trump, mistakenly, looked to him to scrap it in favor of something better and with less government intrusion. Ryano showed the world that the GOP(e) has been outright lying when they said they would get rid of it.

Then the Democrats scammed their way back into control of the house and that ended any hope of scrapping this piece of junk. Now, it seems that some of the dumber members of congress aren’t to happy with giving the serfs, peons and people any choices in the plans that are available, specifically, Alexandria Occasional-Cortex. Here are the detail from Fox Business News:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., tweeted Monday, “no one should go through” choosing between 66 health care plans and lambasted Republicans for framing the issue around “choice” for consumers.

“Members of Congress also have to buy their plans off the exchange. They are Gold plans that are partially subsidized. That means I get to ‘choose’ [between] 66 complex financial products. This is absurd. No person should go without healthcare, [and] no one should go through this, either,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote on Twitter on Sunday, (December 15th).

Well, it looks like the economics major is incapable of doing the math and deciding which plans work best for her. Of course, she blames the Republicans, probably forgetting that this pile of manure was passed without a single Republican vote, much like the recent Impeachment vote.

Ocasio-Cortez is a staunch advocate of Medicare-for-all, a universal health care plan that is a bright-tline among 2020 Democratic candidates. Ocasio-Cortez endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders, the original proponent of Medicare-for-all, as Democratic nominee in October.

Yes, the Soviet Style “One size fits none” socialist healthcare system. You want in line and then are given some aspirin, told to go home and then drop dead 4 hours later. (No I am NOT joking. The Angry Girlfriend’s uncle went to one of the state hospitals with chest pains. They did nothing but send him home. He collapsed and died several hours later)

Ocasio-Cortez’s comments come as former Vice President Joe Biden remains Democratic primary voters’ preferred presidential candidate, according to a Fox News poll released Sunday. Seventy-seven percent of Democratic primary voters think Biden can beat President Trump in the 2020 election, up from 68 percent in October.

On what planet do they think that? Biden is not mentally fit for the office, and has always been nothing more then a third rate political hack. If the Trump Impeachment ever ends up in the Senate, there is a good chance Biden will be called in to testify about his criminal actions regarding his quid pro quo with the Ukrainian and Chinese governments.

Unlike many of his rivals, Biden is set on improving the Affordable Care Act rather than implementing Medicare-for-all.

The best way to improve Obamacare is to take out back, shoot it three times in the head and bury it in an unmarked grave. Saying that, we need to look at what AOC wants to impose on Americans. She is opposed to free choice or allowing people to make their own decisions. As she’s demonstrated with her tweets, she isn’t to good with make any decisions for herself.

The “Medicare for all” scam is just that. A scam. It would bankrupt the country in a few years, not to mention completely destroy the finest healthcare and research system on Earth. Even the Democrat Marxist base is beginning to togle to this and this is why Fauxahontas Warren is backing away from Socialist medicine. Hopefully, AOC will find herself in a tough primary fight, and she will lose badly. One and Done fits her perfectly, and seeing her trying to get a decent job will be very amusing. At least she’ll have made enough off the taxpayers to clear her student loans, if she’s smart.

Oh who am I kidding?


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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