Freshman Democrats want Justin Amashole to prosecute Trump

Good day all. Now that the CommuNazis in the House have passed a resolution impeaching President Trump, (Although there is a question on if he has been since San Fran Nan won’t send the papers to the Senate), the “One and Done” class of moonbats in the house have announced who they want to be one of the managers in the Senate trial.

They have decided that they want Republican turncoat Justin Amashole to be one of the House members presenting their joke of a case to the Senate. Here are the Washington Compost:

A private campaign is underway to draft Rep. Justin Amash (I-Mich.) as an impeachment manager in the Senate trial of President Trump, a bid to diversify House Democrats’ appeal to voters with a rare conservative voice.

Amashole proved himself to be a complete and utter phony. He’s certainly no conservative. He hates President trump for one reason only. Money. President Trump’s trade war with China is devastating Amashole’s family business. They are welded at the hip to the Chinese government, and their business is going down the drain. The only reason he wants to get rid of President Trump is so that the United States will return to kowtowing to the Chinese Government and he will continue getting rich at the expense of the American people.

A group of 30 freshman Democrats, led by Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.), has asked House leaders to consider the libertarian, who left the Republican Party earlier this year, for the small group tasked with arguing its case for removing Trump in the upper chamber, according to several Democratic officials.

Earlier, I referred to these freshmen Democrats as the “One and done” crowd. Many of them were elected in districts President Trump carried in 2016. Most of them were narrow victories due to the Uniparty Rino’s quitting because they were considered irrelevant. It being an off year election, where many people don’t bother voting, also aided in the Democrats takeover of the house.

The thinking, according to these people, is that Amash would reach conservative voters in a way Democrats can’t, potentially bolstering their case to the public. He also would provide Democrats cover from GOP accusations that they’re pursuing a partisan impeachment; Amash is one of the most conservative members of the House and a vocal Trump critic.

Amashole is not a conservative. He is a swamp dwelling Uniparty fraud who conned his way into office claiming that he had the same ideas as the Tea party. When President Trump won, and did something unheard of, (Keeping his promises), Amashole went full Never Trumper.

To the extent that this can be bipartisan, it should, and I think including Representative Amash amongst the impeachment managers is a smart move both for the country, for the substance and for the optics,” Phillips said, adding that Amash brings an array of qualifications: He’s an attorney, a constitutionalist and “the first and only member of the Republican conference, when he was a Republican, to show courage,” Phillips added.

Nothing in that paragraph is correct. Amashole saw the writing on the wall and realized he was going to be primaried and lose the election. He bolted the party for two reasons. First, to protect his ability to run, (I believe that Michigan has a “Sore Loser law”), and second that Amashole is a constitutionalist. He isn’t or he would never have supported the fraudulent impeachment proceedings.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) would ultimately make the call and is expected to announce managers early this week, multiple Democrats said. Amash did not respond to a request for comment about whether he would accept such a position. But Phillips, who is in touch with Amash about the idea, said the lawmaker has agreed to consider it if asked.

The move would be unorthodox but not entirely unprecedented. Pelosi chose a five-member bipartisan group from the House Judiciary Committee to oversee the impeachment of a corrupt federal judge about a decade ago.

There is a big difference between impeaching a judge and the President. While I don’t recall the case, I would wager that actual criminal behavior was involved in his, (or her as the case may be) case. There is no such accusation that President Trump broke any laws. They are doing this for pure politics.

Additionally, tapping Amash would be something of a gamble for Pelosi. While most Democrats would fall in line with her strategy in the Senate, Amash would be something of a wild card, given his lack of loyalty to the Democratic Party.

Correction: You meant his lack of loyalty to anyone other then the Red Chinese government. Meanwhile, Amashole has opened his big mouth and insert his foot.

On Friday, Amash jabbed Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) for saying he would coordinate with the White House to acquit Trump rather than remain impartial. He also lambasted Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) for telling CNN in an interview that “I’m not trying to pretend to be a fair juror here.”

Senator Graham has chosen to violate his oath to support and defend the Constitution, his oath to do impartial justice in an impeachment trial, and his duty to represent all the people of his state, not just those who share his political views or desire a particular outcome,” Amash wrote.

Graham and President Trump are in a disagreement on how to proceed. President Trump wants a trial where he can call witnesses like the Democrat operative who started this pile of horse manure. This will probably include Adam Schifthead and possible Jerry No Nads Nadler. In very short order, President Trump’s legal team will demolish the charges against him and instead show the Democrats for what they are. Greedy, corrupt totalitarians.

As for Amashole? He’s finished in the House. He may run as a third party candidate, but he won’t win. His goal will be to hurt the Republican party and flip the seat to the Democrats. All that will do is show everyone what a two timing slimy weasel he actually is. It’s not beyond the realm of possibility that an investigation into his family’s business practices might happen under President Trump’s second term. There have been some questions regarding how they actually do things and whether or not they are complying with the law.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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