ENOUGH! It’s time to put anti-Semites where they belong

Good day all. This story is still developing, but there has been yet another attack against people who are Jewish. As always, the 72 hour rule is in effect. Last night an anti-Semitic whack job broke into someone’s home and attacked the people inside with a machete.

Thankfully, no one was killed, although I don’t know how serious the injuries are. The Ramapo Chief of Police announced they have arrested a suspect in the attack. Here are the details from Fox News:

The man accused of entering the home of a New York rabbi and stabbing five people with a machete in a horrifying anti-Semitic attack on Saturday night was taken into police custody hours after the attack.

They should have just shot him in the face, but that’s my personal opinion. At least this scumbag is in jail.

Ramapo Police Chief Brad Weidel said on Sunday the suspect – identified as Grafton E. Thomas, 37, of Greenwood Lake, New York – will face five counts of attempted murder and one count of burglary.

The Fox News story doesn’t provide a picture or any real details on the suspected criminal. However, 2 minutes with Duck Duck Go and I found a picture. I’ll give you three guesses as to his genetic background, but you’ll only need one. (Hint: It isn’t German)

Police said Thomas entered the home of Rabbi Chaim Rottenberg in Monsey, a suburb north of New York City, during a Hanukkah celebration – the latest in a string of anti-Semitic incidents in recent weeks that including beatings of Jewish people in the streets of New York City and a massacre at a kosher grocery store in Jersey City, N.J.

I want you all to notice something. The location of these attacks. They take place where the Democrats are in control of all levels of the state and local governments. They are also well known for suppressing the 2nd Amendment rights of the citizens. In all these cases, the people attacked had no means to defend themselves against these Nazi wannabes. It isn’t my place to say that these fine people should carry or otherwise have available, firearms, however, the Democrats have made sure they don’t get the choice.

Authorities have not provided a motive for the attack, but Cuomo said it was an example of larger problems.

Oh I think we can all guess.

This is an intolerant time in our country,” he said to reporters outside the rabbi’s home on Sunday morning. “We see anger, we see hatred exploding.”

Congratulations you moron. Now you are seeing all the decades of Progressive Liberal Democrat identity political chickens coming home to roost.

He added: “It is an American cancer on the body politic.”

And the cure is to get rid of the racist Progressive Liberal Democrats. They caused this mess and now the decent people’s of whatever genetic background are going to need to clean it up.

“I was praying for my life,” Aron Kohn, 65, who was inside the house at the time, told The New York Times. “He started attacking people right away as soon as he came in the door. We didn’t have time to react at all.”

This is something you shouldn’t have to even consider, let alone plan for. However, in Progressive Blue States, it’s becoming all to necessary.

Among the groups condemning the attack was the Republican Jewish Coalition.

“The political leadership in New York isn’t doing nearly enough to protect its Jewish citizens,” the Republican Jewish Coalition wrote on Twitter. “This has become a daily occurrence in NY. These attacks might not be a convenient talking point for those on the left, but they still need to speak out.”

Personally, I’ve had enough with “Talking points.” I’m tired of the scum on the left and their blatant Antisemitism. They hate the fact that Israel exists and have been supporting the Islamic terror groups who sole goal is to reactivate the old Nazi extermination camps and finish the job that Hitler and his goons started. Instead of colleges and universities trying to reign these pigs in, they are actively encouraging them.

My late father was in the Army in World War Two. He was in the European Theater of Operations. He saw, first hand, the Nazi death camps. (Dachau) He never forgot, couldn’t forget if he wanted to, what he saw. He made sure his children knew this.

The current Anger Central Primary Dwelling is within walking distance of the local Holocaust Memorial. I like to wander through there once in a while and reflect. I’m not Jewish, but I am a firm believer in “Never again!” and if the local Jewish community should need my assistance, I will be happy to do what I can. I even have the perfect tool for dealing with Nazis of all stripes.

Yep, it’s a Jewish gun. Perfect gift for those who are dealing with Nazis.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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