Slow Joe Biden won’t comply with subpoena

Good day all. While we wait for San Fran Nan Pelosi to send the Impeachment documents to the Senate, there has been a lot of discussions on what might happen. Some people just want the Senate to direct a verdict of acquittal and toss the whole thing into the trash.

Others, and this appears to include President Trump, want a full trial with witnesses called to testify. One of the people who might be called is former Vice President Joe Biden. He admitted, on tape, doing what the Progressive Liberal Democrats are accusing President Trump of doing. If there is a full trial in the Senate, Biden has a big fat target painted on his back for a subpoena. He knows this and has stated he won’t comply. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

Former Vice President Joe Biden said Friday that he would not comply with a subpoena to testify in the Senate impeachment trial against President Trump, should one be issued to him.

I don’t think it works that way, but what the Hell, let’s run with it, shall we? So why does Groping Joe not want to testify under oath?

Any testimony from the 2020 Democratic contender for the White House before the Senate would draw attention away from Trump’s alleged wrongdoing and would effectively let the president off the hook, Biden claimed in an interview with the editorial board of the De Moines Register in Iowa.

“What are you going to cover?” Biden said to Register Executive Editor Carol Hunter in response to a question about the possibility of his participation in the trial. “You guys are going to cover for three weeks anything that I said. And (Trump’s) going to get away.”

The Democrat-controlled House impeached Trump earlier this month for “abuse of power” and “obstruction of Congress” related to his dealings with Ukraine. But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has yet to deliver the articles of impeachment to the Senate.

Biden is basically a moron. He’s never been more then a third rate party hack who got lucky when Obama made him Vice President. Obama knew that Biden was impeachment/assassination insurance. No one would go for him because it would make Slow Joe Biden President. If he is is forced to testify, under oath, he will be asked some very pointed questions about that video of him taking credit for shutting down an investigation into his son Hunter’s company. He would have no choice but to refuse to answer under the 5th Amendment, and thereby destroying his shot at the Oval Office. (The indictments and arrest later one wouldn’t help matters)

Trump and the Republicans, have asserted that Biden and his son have largely escaped scrutiny for their past involvement in Ukraine, and have accused the American media of downplaying the Bidens’ story.

Biden rejected that argument during a public appearance last weekend.

“No one’s taken as much heat and as many lies thrown at them as I have,” Biden said during a campaign stop in Ottumwa on Dec. 20, “but again, this is not about me. It’s not about my family. It’s about the nation. And we have to reach out and unify this country.”

Biden is trying to ignore the video of him stating flat out that he threatened to withhold aid to the Ukraine if they didn’t fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma. Since the attempt to “Get Trump!” has blown up so spectacularly in the faces of the Democrats, they’ve been trying to force President Trump to give up and step down. Any other Establishment RINO probably would have folded already, (Bush Jr), but President Trump does something they never did. He fights back.

Biden said any attempts to subpoena him would be on “specious” grounds, adding that he expected it wouldn’t happen.

Oh I think if it goes that fare, it will happen. If he refuses to appear, well then there are some very nice U.S. marshals with some shiny new handcuffs that can be sent after Biden. They will politely invite him to accompany them back to Washington, and if he refuses, the cuffs get slapped on and he gets to spend some quality time in a lockup until his turn comes. If the Senate decides that Biden is going to testify, he will be brought in, one way or another. As for the courts? They’re going to stay as far away from this as possible.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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