Rep. Ayanna Pressley, psychotic moonbat

Good day all. The 2018 midterm election put a lot of new Democratic CommuNazis into the House of Representatives. They have been essentially uniform in their utter stupidity and contempt for everything that Makes America Great. One of these idiots is Representative Ayanna Pressley, (D-MA)

Pressley, no relation to The King, Elvis, announced to the world that President Trump is a war criminal. What passes for reasoning for this brain dead dope, is that President Trump is to blame for the China Virus. Here are the details from the Washington Examiner:

Rep. Ayanna Pressley accused President Trump’s administration of committing “war crimes” for how it responded to the nationwide outbreak of the coronavirus.

As far as I’m concerned, what’s happening with this administration, it’s akin to war crimes. Criminal negligence, science denials, a sluggish response,” the freshman Democratic lawmaker said in a video this week. “And so we find ourselves in the position of playing catch-up in the midst of a pandemic, which is the last place that you want to be in the midst of any public health crisis, certainly of a pandemic, is working from behind.”

First, Pressley is one of the Communist “Squad” that Alexandria Occasional-Cortex put together. Second, she’s so full of hatred that her judgment is in serious question. Third, she’s stupid. She doesn’t have a clue what an actual war crime is. The specifics of a war crime, or crime against humanity is laid out in Geneva Convention, and consists of:

  1. Willful killing;
  2. Torture or inhuman treatment, including biological experiments;
  3. Willfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health;
  4. Extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly;
  5. Compelling a prisoner of war or other protected person to serve in the forces of a hostile Power;
  6. Willfully depriving a prisoner of war or other protected person of the rights of fair and regular trial;
  7. Unlawful deportation or transfer or unlawful confinement;
  8. Taking of hostages.

President Trump is doing none of those things, although I suspect that Pressley thinks deporting illegal aliens is a war crime.

A growing number of Democrats have criticized Trump for not doing more to slow the spread of the coronavirus, leaving healthcare workers with a lack of safety equipment when dealing with the sick, and hastily rushing toward the reopening of a virtually shut down American economy.

How about the little fact that the Democratic CommuNazi’s Golden President, Barack Obama, aka The Great Mistake, raided our stockpile during the Swine Flu outbreak and couldn’t be bothered to replace it. Instead, he spent the money on Obamaphones.

As for the Shutdown? President Trump didn’t initiate it, he left that to the governors, and frankly, most of them have showed that they don’t have a flipping clue about what was going on. It’s beginning to look like the Wuhan Flu got into the United States a lot earlier then first thought, and if true, it is a lot more wide spread, and a lot less lethal. It doesn’t help that the World Health Organization was parroting the Chinese Government lines about the China Virus.

Presumptive Democratic nominee for president, Joe Biden, has said on more than one occasion the virus’s arrival to the United States is not Trump’s fault, but he has mishandled the resulting national crisis.

My point is not simply that the president was wrong,” Biden said. “My point is that the mindset that was slow to recognize the problem in the first place, to treat with the seriousness it deserves, is still too much a part of how the president is addressing the problem.”

And when anyone asks Sexual Predator Joe what he would do, he starts talking about his pet corndogs. Pretty much everyone agrees who has a functioning brain that Biden would have done nothing but kowtow to the ChiCom government. (Please note, I separate the Chinese government from the Chinese people. They have zero say in how things are done over there)

One of the first actions Trump took in response to the virus came in late January when he banned travel to the U.S. from China, the country where the virus originated, by foreign nationals.

Unfortunately, it was far to late, and you had any number of screw ups by the Deep State scum in the State Department. These where the idiots who sent planes to pick up people who may have been infected with NO plan to keep the sick people away from the healthy ones. I suspect, and I’m not alone, thnat I actually contracted the China Virus last January. My Real World Manager was on business travel and came back through Seoul, South Korea just as they were seeing the first cases hit them. When he came back to the office, he was ill and was kind enough to pass it on to me. Others in the office also became ill around this time.

As for the embarrassment to Nature, Massachusetts Representative Ayanna Pressley, it will be interesting if she has a government job as of next year. The entire Massachusetts delegation has managed to utterly beclown themselves for the last few years. Stating that President Trump is a war criminal and demanding he be sent to the Hague for trial just shows what a moron she is.

A few details this SCoaMF has overlooked. First, the United States does not recognize the Hague’s authority in trying American citizens. They have made a few threats to go after American citizens, which has led to the unofficial policy known as the “Bomb the Hague Act.” If the World Court grabbed an American and announced they were trying them, the response would be:

“Send them home now!”

If they refused, the second response would be:

“That’s a really nice city you got there. Be a shame if anything happened to it.”

If the Eurotrash still refused to send home our citizen, then we would go in and get them. I really don’t think they want a brigade of Marines rampaging through the Hague and not caring to much if anything was left standing. As for that treasonous piece of welfare trash, she needs to be shown the door asap.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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