The Great Panicdemic of 2020: Gov. Cuomo says “Get an essential job serf”

Good day all. The Great Panicdemic of 2020 has shown Americans many things, one of which is just how stupid, incompetent and tyrannical the Average Democratic CommuNazi politician is. It’s also shown people that most of them are totally out of touch with reality, such as New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Cuomo has been trying to show the world that he is a competent administrator and that he is the reason that millions haven’t died of the Wuhan Flu. (Never mind that the statistics are showing that the large majority of people who contract the China Virus either show no symptoms are if they do, recover fully) Cuomo credits his closing down the State’s economy and throwing millions out of work with helping people.

However, the people aren’t to happy with not having a job and they are making themselves heard. Cuomo, being a completely tone deaf scumbag refuses to allow the people of his state to go back to what he has decided are “Nonessential” jobs. When pushed, this dumbass told people to “Get an essential job.” Here are the details from The Washington Times:

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has a message for angry citizens who can’t pay their bills during the coronavirus pandemic: “You want to go to work? Go take a job as an essential worker.”

The Democrat fielded questions Wednesday while angry protesters outside expressed their displeasure with ongoing shutdown policies. A reporter said she spoke to many of the protesters and found them to be “regular people who are not getting a paycheck.”

Some of them are not getting their unemployment check and they’re saying that they don’t have time to wait for all of this testing and they need to get back to work in order to feed their family,” she said, CBS News reported. “Their savings are running out. They don’t have another week. They’re not getting answers. So, their point is, the cure can’t be worse than the illness itself. What is your response to that?”

And the dumbass responded with his usual crap:

The illness is death,” he said. “What is worse than death? Economic hardship? Yes, very bad. Not death. Emotional stress from being locked in a house — very bad. Not death. Domestic violence on the increase — very bad. Not death.”

The reporter didn’t just give up. She continued pushing King Cuomo.

The reporter countered that protesters are in an untenable position, given that they cannot pay immediate bills while simultaneously being told they cannot work.

They can’t wait for the money,” she said. “They’re out of money.”

Governor Andrew Cuomo, who both has a job and is rich, showed just how much he cared about people and their problems. The short answer? He doesn’t give a damn at all.

They can say, ‘Unemployment insurance isn’t enough,’” the Democrat replied. “I get it. Even with the $600 check and the $1,200 check, and the unemployment benefit is not enough. I understand the economic hardship. We all feel it. The question is, ‘What do you do about it?’ And do you put public health at risk? And do you drive up the number of deaths for it, because you have no idea how to reopen now.”

Cuomo’s actions during the epidemic are coming out and they are not looking good for this tyrant. It seems that his government refused to send Covid-19 patients to the hospital ship, which was seriously underutilized, and could have converted a few wards to handle those patients. Instead, he forced them to go to nursing homes that weren’t prepared to handle them. However, that’s another story.

Mr. Cuomo was then asked if a fundamental right to work exists if “the government can’t get [citizens] the money” they need in a timely manner.

And Cuomo’s response?

You want to go to work?” Mr. Cuomo replied. “Go take a job as an essential worker.”

Well, the decision is starting to be taken out of his and other governors hands. Not by President Trump or the Federal Government, but by the people who have had enough of dictatorial elitists who think they’re smarter then everyone else. Small businesses are starting to reopen on their own. As you would expect, the local tyrants are issuing orders and what not to shut them back down. However, they are beginning to run into armed citizens who are standing guard.

Of course, this being New York, the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms has been stripped just to prevent the serfs and slaves from rising up. Pity there are a couple of cases moving through the courts that, thanks to the Democratic CommuNazis emptying the prisons, are proving that people need guns.

As for Cuomo? With Biden’s campaign coming apart at the seams, Cuomo has got to be thinking that if Biden is forced to drop out, he will become the nominee. However, with his record in New York and his general “Let them eat some of Nancy Antoinette’s Ice Cream” attitude, just holding on to his office is now problematical.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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