Joe Biden, Sexual Predator

Good day all. I and others have made much about former Vice President Joe Biden’s predilection to paw women and teen girls. One of the running jokes is that he cut a hole in his N25 mask so he could sniff a girl’s hair.

Now things are becoming a bit more serious. There appears to be a credible accusation of sexual assault against Biden. Biden has been accused of groping a staffer in 1993 when he as a senator. Here are some of the details from NPR:

Tara Reade, a former junior staffer in Joe Biden’s Senate office, has accused the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee of sexually assaulting her in 1993, when she was working as a staff assistant.

The Biden campaign denies the accusation and says the alleged incident “absolutely did not happen.”

Not surprise there. Of course the presumptive sacrificial lamb Democratic Presidential Nominee would issue a denial. However, we have a great deal of photographic evidence of Biden’s fondling, hugging and sniffing women and girls. Still, this is an accusation of something that happened 27 years ago. Like many of these accusations, there isn’t any real evidence. Basically it comes down to “He said/She said.” Or does it?

Reade detailed her account in multiple conversations with NPR, and it was corroborated by a friend of hers who declined to be identified. Reade’s brother also corroborated some parts of her story.

Interesting, unlike the Kavanaugh accusers, we appear to have some corroboration. Still, not enough.

No contemporaneous notes or documentation of the alleged incident have been found, and Reade’s account has been denied by longtime Biden staffers whom she worked for at the time.

That statement is no longer considered valid. More on that later. As to what Biden is alleged to have done, NPR posted Reade’s description. Do not read on a full stomach. If you do, we are not responsible for any damage to your monitor or keyboard.

In interviews with NPR, Reade, now 56 and living in California, said the alleged assault happened when she was asked by her then-supervisor to deliver a duffel bag to Biden as he was heading to the Capitol.

A duffel bag? Hmm, What would be in that? Probably Biden’s share of the graft payments and kickbacks.

When Reade met up with the senator, she said, he pinned her up against a wall and penetrated her vagina with his fingers.

“His hands went underneath my clothing and he was touching me in my private areas and without my consent,” Reade told NPR. She said Biden asked her whether she wanted to go somewhere else.

Reade said that she pulled away and that Biden pointed his finger at her and said, “You’re nothing to me, nothing.”

Reade recently filed a police report, however the investigation was going to be the usual pro forma one when a Democrat is accused of this sort of crime, since both the statute of limitations have run out and again, there is nothing out there that really corroborates Reade’s accusation. Or is there? It seems that Tara Reade’s late mother once called into the Larry King show to speak about this assault.

As you would expect, the Mostly Stupid Media has been flat out ignoring this bit if information, with CNN leading the charge to flush the whole thing down the memory hole. Sadly for them, what is on the internet, stays on the internet. Here are a few details on the Larry King show clip from 1993 from Fox News:

A resurfaced clip of “Larry King Live” from 1993 appears to include the mother of Tara Reade — who has accused Joe Biden of past sexual assault while in the Senate – alluding to “problems” her daughter faced while working as a staffer for the then-U.S. senator from Delaware. In a telephone interview with Fox News on Friday night, Reade confirmed that her mother called in to the show.

As for the Biden Campaign? They are in full damage control mode.

Biden’s presidential campaign has adamantly denied Reade’s allegations but the video could be cited as evidence supporting Reade’s allegation – even though her late mother, in the clip, does not specifically refer to a sexual assault claim.

Now this story was broken by the Intercept Friday April 24th. The Intercept story details how they tracked down the video. They posted a transcript of the call into the Larry king Show, the episode titled “Washington: The Cruelest City on Earth?” In short order, other news sites found the clip in their own archives. The one news network that tried to ignore this was the very same network that hosted Larry King, CNN.

CNN, in fact, has actively been working to cover up the crime, (And that is what this is, even if the statute of limitations has run out), going so far as to remove the video from the Google catalog. According to Business and Politics:

The damning 1993 CNN video featuring Tara Reade’s mother lamenting that her daughter was preyed on by then-senator Joe Biden has been removed from Google Play. Some on social media reacted by accusing CNN of “actively colluding with the Biden campaign to cover up evidence of Joe Biden’s sexual assault.”

Liberal Twitter user J.L. Hamilton posted a screenshot of the Google Play catalog of “Larry King Live.” The show aired on CNN from 1985 to 2010. Noticeably missing was the August 11, 1993 episode, where Tara Reade‘s mother, Jeanette Altimus, called in to “Larry King Live” and revealed that her daughter’s pleas for help following her alleged sexual assault went ignored in Washington, D.C.

I’m not going to post the screen shot, you can follow the link and see it for yourself. However, CNN is continuing with it’s cover up, with a recent interview by CNN’s Anderson Cooper, among others, being nothing more then a tongue bath of Biden.

Now here’s the problem for the Democratic CommuNazi Ministry of Propaganda. As much as they are trying to bury this story, it’s gotten out, and unlike the garbage they’ve been pushing against President Trump and later Justice Brett Kavanaugh, this one appears to have some legs, and that all important thing, actual reports that were caught on tape.

Besides, the pictures we’ve all seen of Groping Joe grabbing women and hugging them against their will or sniffing their hair, there have been reports coming out of the secret service that Female Agents do not want to serve on his security detail. It seem Vice President Pervert likes to flash the female agents, forcing them to watch as he swims nude in his pool.

There has always been a question this year regarding Biden’s mental fitness for his run for President. There have been questions of personal corruption, including actually admitting on camera of doing what the Democrats accused and tried to remove President Trump of doing earlier this year.

Now, there is a chance that the Democrats will have no choice but to remove Biden from the ticket and select someone else. It’s one thing for the Democrats to protect their people when they get caught with their hands in the cookie jar, thanks to the #MeToo Movement, (Which bagged far more Democrats then Republicans), the Democratic CommuNazis have managed to paint themselves into a corner where the accusation is all that’s needed to convict.

They only problem with that is who they could put up against President Trump who has the slightest chance. There is talk of Andrew Cuomo, but the recent Panicdemic debacle in New York, with his incessant whining and blaming others for his own failures will make great ads for the Trump Campaign, might not want to take the risk of losing. In fact, none of the Democrat governors have shown they are anything but closet totalitarians. The DNC may have no choice but to stick with Biden and hope the fallout won’t be to bad.

Should Biden be replaced as the Democratic Presidential Nominee?

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~The Angry Webmaster~


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