The Great Panicdemic of 2020: Democrats threatening protesters

Good day all. As we approach the month of May, people have grown not just tired, but angry at the flagrant violations by some state and local governments. They have started to protest all the lock down orders and business closings.

This has led to a number of governors, mayors and a few judges to decide that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights doesn’t matter, and they have been both scolding and flat out threatening people who ignore their orders. This has had the effect of increasing the protests, and now the Democrats are saying they just might have to extend the mass imprisonment of Americans, for their own good. Here are the details from Fox News:

As protests spread against the stay-at-home orders put in place by governors across the country, some prominent Democrats have panned the demonstrations as dangerous and ill-informed, saying the protesters risk spreading coronavirus among themselves and contributing to a spike in cases in their states.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., addressed the protesters in an interview on “Fox News Sunday” with Chris Wallace.

“No, not really,” she said when asked if she understood why people are demonstrating. “…I’m respectful [of] whatever people think they should say, but the fact is this has to be science-based, evidence-based, data-based.”

I wonder, was this before or after Nancy Antoinette showed off her high priced selection of ice cream kept in her $24,000 dollar refrigerators? The simple fact of the matter is, the Democratic Party has finally stopped pretending that they give a damn about the Constitution or individual rights. Just take a look at Michigan Governor Wretched Gretchen Whitmer and her response to people protesting her tyrannical rule.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on MSNBC last week said that the protests against her stay-at-home order may lead her to extend the order, due to the fact so many people could have been exposed to the coronavirus.

“When you see a political rally, that’s what it was yesterday, a political rally like that where people aren’t wearing masks and they’re in close quarters and they’re touching one another … the odds are very high that they’re spreading COVID-19 along with it,” she said. “So it’s that kind of irresponsible action that puts us in this situation where we might have to actually think about extending stay-at-home orders, which is supposedly what they’re protesting.”

And Wretched Gretchen did just that, sentencing innocent people to 15 more days of house arrest. However, the Michigan State Legislature is starting to take a look at Wretched Gretchen’s rule of error, but that’s something for another post. Next we have another tyrant wannabe, Washington governor Jay Inslee.

And Sunday, Washington Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee explicitly said the protests were “illegal.”

“I don’t know any other way to characterize it, when we have an order from governors, both Republicans and Democrats, that basically are designed to protect people’s health, literally their lives, to have a president of the United States basically encourage insubordination, to encourage illegal activity,” he said. “These orders actually are the law of these states.”

I do believe that the United States Attorney General, William Barr, had a few things to say about denying people’s 1st Amendment rights. Inslee, since he assumed office, has been in the forefront of pushing the Democrats idea of single party totalitarian rule, and has a history of letting the Democrat’s version of the Nazi SA, the Antifa thugs, do pretty much whatever they wanted to Trump supporters.

The protests have been growing in number and also crossing into more and more states. Most of the Republican governors are listening, (There have been a few blindingly stupid ones), however, the Democrats, with one or two exceptions, have been quick to try and suppress the protests.

In addition to those states, rallies have also made their way to New York, Ohio, North Carolina, Kentucky and more. There is a rally scheduled for noon Monday in Harrisburg to protest Pennsylvania Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf’s stay-at-home order. Wolf panned the efforts on Friday, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer.

“I know every Pennsylvanian is eager to get back to work — I am included in that,” he said, according to the Inquirer. “We are working as hard as we can to make sure we reopen as quickly as possible. What we don’t want to do is reopen and then be hit by this virus in a way that overwhelms our health-care system. Let’s continue to make this good progress and keep people safe, and when the time is right, we will reopen and liberate every single Pennsylvanian.”

Now the Republican governors aren’t as bad, but they too have bought into what is turning out to be junk science. Several states did not order lock downs and crash their economies, and the China Virus has had roughly the same reach as in those states that did. While the Democratic CommuNazi governors are planning to keep their citizens under house arrest for as long as they can, the Republicans are staring to reopen for business.

Governors of both parties have cautioned against lifting social distancing measures too soon and too completely, with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, saying last week that his plan for reopening Texas is not “a rush the gates, everybody is able to suddenly reopen all at once. We have to understand that we must reopen in a way in which we are able to stimulate the economy while at the very same time ensuring that we contain the spread of COVID-19.”

No. It’s time to say “Open everything back up asap!” People seem to have forgotten the original reason for the lock down and stay at home orders. It was due to the belief that hospitals would be overwhelmed. There were crash programs to build temporary hospitals, and of course, we all know about the N25 mask debacle. The Mostly Stupid Media were big on pushing this message. How interesting that they’ve dropped it.

Getting back to the protests and why they’re happening, Americans are, well, American. We intrinsically do not trust the government. As more and more information is getting out, it’s becoming obvious that the China Virus got into the United States a lot earlier then people thought, and has spread a lot further then the Deep State cares to admit to. People are figuring out that all this “Social distancing” was a lot of crap and didn’t do much to slow things at all. This is not what the Democrats want to hear and they intend to keep their boots on the necks of the people.

Trump’s plan to reopen the economy similarly does so in phases, “one careful step at a time.”

I disagree with that. I say open it up now. The Democrats? They want to keep it locked up.

But Democrats have been more forceful in their rhetoric, not just against protesters by also on keeping states closed.

New Mexico Democratic Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham wrote in an op-ed last week for the Albuquerque Journal that “[n]o one is more eager than I am to lift our stay-at-home orders and declare New Mexico open for business,” but said “as public health experts remind us, we are not anywhere close to that point.”

All those “Experts” have also been saying that we need to keep everyone under house arrest for 2 more years. They’ve also been saying that if we don’t listen to them, millions of Americans will DIE!! The problem for the “Experts” is that they really don’t have any clues at all about what’s going on. Now people have said enough.

Over the next few weeks, there is going to be more and more protests and people flat out ignoring the orders of the politicians. Police in many areas are also saying they won’t enforce these orders any longer. (Not all sadly. Some are going full Gestapo) The way some of these Democratic CommuNazis are behaving, I see a number things happening in the future.

Many of the governors, mayors and others who have been suppressing the constitution are going to be voted out of office. Some may be impeached and removed. Others might find themselves being criminally charged by the Federal Government. And, although I do NOT want to see this happen, it won’t surprise me at all if an assassination or two doesn’t occur, or even a flat out lynching with a governor or mayor strung up from a lamp post. (There is a reason the 4th box of Liberty is referred to as the “Ammo Box”)

In any case, the lawsuits have already started being filed. I would love to know if some of these morons who think they’re the king, (or Queen as the case may be), could find themselves personally liable and forced into complete and utter financial ruin. It has happened in the past, but it is rare. I do think that those who violated their oaths of office and suppressed the constitutional rights of the people should not be protected by sovereign immunity. Destroying these scum is the only way to uphold the rule of law and makes other think twice the next time they want to play Hitler.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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