Fox News ratings cratering since the election

Good day all. In the olden days, Fox News used to have the slogan, “Fair and Balanced.” This meant that they tried to show both sides of the argument, and didn’t try to bury news stories that made the Left unhappy.

They were in the same vein as the Drudge Report. Both tended to show a more conservative viewpoint without hiding the liberal/socialist viewpoint. In 2016, both the Drudge Report and Fox News tended to be on the side of then candidate Donald Trump. After Trump won his magnificent victory over the forces of Darkness, led by the evil and inept Felonia von Pantsuit, they continued showing generally positive stories.

Then about 2 years ago, people noticed a change in the Drudge Report. He went from being rather Pro-Trump to a hard core never Trumper. Many others also noticed this. Suddenly, Drudge’s page view plummeted. About a year ago, people started noticing odd changes with Fox News. Most of the opinion people continued their support of President Trump, but the News side suddenly went anti-Trump. The end finally came on Election Night when Fox News called races that were flat out wrong, and has refused to refute it. Now, Fox’s ratings have cratered.

It started when Fox canceled Justice with Judge Jeanine Pirro November 7th. She was planning to discuss the voter fraud that appears to have stolen the election from President Trump. Instead they ran more crap on the election supporting Biden. Here are the details from NewsMax:

For those of you that might have tuned in and did not see Fox News’ “Justice” with Judge Jeanine Pirro on Saturday night, sources told Newsmax the show was suspended over a spat on the network’s coverage of President Donald Trump.

Sources close to the network tell Newsmax, because she made a very staunch defense of President Trump and wanted to expose the vote fraud that took place in the election, Fox News decided not to air her show. It had extended coverage of Democrat Joe Biden’s acceptance speech of a contested election.

Just an aside here. I don’t watch Judge Pirro’s show. I may have tuned in once or twice when the announced her covering something that I found interesting, otherwise, I didn’t bother. As to her show, no word yet on if it will return.

The sources gave no inclination of whether the network is going to keep the show going, but we hear she was suspended at least for this weekend. Another Fox personality, Tucker Carlson, had a 20 minute opening monologue on the election, the apparent fraud, the move suppress any information that shows that the Biden vote was fraudulent and the threats being made to anyone who supports President Trump.

Fox News itself posted this to YouTube, so there is a fair chance it might actually stay up, at least until the management gets rid of him, which brings us to the source of the problem, Fox’s corporate management. A few years ago, Rupert Murdoch started unwinding himself from from his corporation(s) and turning the operations and management over to his spawn. The problem here is that the mini-Murdochs are all Woke, Hollywood loving moonbats.

Barking Moonbat

Fox is no longer the center right news organization that tried to present a story as accurately as possible. They have joined the rest of the Mostly Stupid Media in covering up the “Great Election Theft of 2020. I noticed issues myself with their China Virus coverage. It seemed to be doing everything it could to panic people instead of providing unbiased information. (As unbiased as they could of course) Now their blatant burying anything that smacks of the possibility that President Trump was robbed has started driving their viewers away. More’s the pity.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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