More proof that Dementia Joe and the Democrats are owned by the CCP

Good day all. For the entire 4 years of the administration of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, all we heard, day in and day out from the treasonous Progressive Liberal Democrats was that he was a Russian agent.

However, actual evidence of the Fake President and his choices for top spots being owned by the Chinese Communist Party are met with yawns and denials. Now we have another one of his choices, (And I wonder if the senile pedophile is even aware of what day it is, never mind who this guy is), who has been sucking up to the Red Chinese for decades. Here are the details from The National Pulse:

Colin Kahl – President Biden’s pick for Under Secretary of Defense for Policy – led a Stanford University center with a “years-long” relationship with the Chinese Communist Party and People’s Liberation Army, including attending conferences “sponsored” by the Chinese government.

Kahl joined the center in January 2018 as a Senior Fellow at Stanford’s Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, serving as Co-Director of the Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC).

According to a National Committee on U.S.-China Relations (NCUSCR) report, CISAC has hosted fellows from a host of Chinese military and government-linked entities, including those flagged by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for espionage and blacklisted by the U.S. government:

CISAC hosts visiting fellows from numerous foreign countries, including a number of Chinese scholars in residence with the Project on Peace and Cooperation. […] Fellows coming from China to the Project on Peace and Cooperation at CISAC have come from the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, the China Academy of Engineering Physics (the Ninth Academy), the Central Party School, the National Defense University, and the Foreign Ministry.

One entity – the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences – has been used as a “front group for Chinese intelligence collection and overseas spy recruitment,” according to the FBI.

The article goes into details of what amounts to a veritable who’s who in the Chinese government. This position also requires the “Advice and consent” of the United States Senate. There is no question that the Democratic CommuNazis will whitewash this joker’s connections to the Chinese Communist Government and pass him through. I hope that the Republicans will actually Put America First, (Unlike the RINO’s and Country Club Globalists), and sink this bozo’s appointment.

I don’t expect them to, and since we have the Fake President, who has been taking payoffs from the Chinese for years, a senior, in more ways then one, senator who had a Chinese spy as a driver for 20 years and a member of the house of representatives who has given new meaning to the phrase, “A real Bang Fang.”

I fully expect the Red Chinese to do something incredibly stupid, such as invading Taiwan or even the Philippines, and these fools basically letting it happen. It wouldn’t even surprise me to see to see Chinese troops in our Hemisphere, (Probably Venezuela and Cuba), and the idiots welcoming them with open arms, along with their nuclear tipped missiles. Not even 2 months in and the world is a far more dangerous place thanks to these traitors.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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