Washington Compost issues massive correction

Good day all. The newspaper formally known as the Washington Post has a long and storied history of hating Republican presidents. When the paper, which was in the process of failing, was bought by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, several things happened.

First, he pumped in a bunch-a-ton of money. Second, they went into full attack mode against the Greatest President of the United States, Donald Trump. Third, they basically became a propaganda sheet for the Democratic CommuNazis, (Formally the Democrat Party), and finally, they have been unofficially renamed to the Washington Compost. (Because that is what they produce now)

With the advent of President Trump, the Compost went totally off the rails, first pushing the Russian collusion crap and later, when we saw how the election was stolen, accused President Trump of trying to force the Georgia Secretary of State to give him the election. They wrote massive stories with blaring headlines. There was just one tiny little problem. None of it was true and now they have issued a “Oops! We made a mistake. Never mind.” retraction. Unfortunately for the Compost, no on is buying their fake apology. Here are the details from Fox News:

The Washington Post made a massive correction Monday to a January report about a phone call between then-President Donald Trump and Georgia elections investigator Frances Watson, admitting it wrongly attributed multiple quotes to Trump based on an anonymous source.

The Post initially reported Trump had told an official working in Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s office to “find the fraud” in the state, which he lost narrowly to Joe Biden, and that she would be a “national hero” if she did. 

However, a newly emerged recording of the Dec. 23 call found he didn’t use those words. Instead, Trump said she would be “praised” when the “right answer comes out” and encouraged her to closely examine mail-in ballots in Fulton County, the heavily blue and most populated county in the state.

The Washington Compost’s story was typical for the Trump administration. No actual named sources, only single anonymous sources with no other verification. Several times during the Trump administration, these “Anonymous sources” turned out to be fake and blew up in the faces of the “Journalists,” (Read lying propagandists), who made up the stories against President Trump. The current fiasco by the Washington Compost has caused them to do the biggest retraction in years.

The Post published a lengthy correction to its story: “Correction: Two months after publication of this story, the Georgia secretary of state released an audio recording of President Donald Trump’s December phone call with the state’s top elections investigator. The recording revealed that The Post misquoted Trump’s comments on the call, based on information provided by a source. Trump did not tell the investigator to “find the fraud” or say she would be “a national hero” if she did so. Instead, Trump urged the investigator to scrutinize ballots in Fulton County, Ga., asserting she would find “dishonesty” there. He also told her that she had “the most important job in the country right now.” A story about the recording can be found here. The headline and text of this story have been corrected to remove quotes misattributed to Trump.”

It wasn’t just the Compost that lied about that call, most of the so called Main Stream Media lied about the call as well, and now they’re being challenged on it. (And these scum hate being challenged)

CNN also reported on the call citing an unnamed source and waited until Monday afternoon to correct its story, after initially stating Trump said “national hero” and “find the fraud” in its opening paragraph. Many outlets picked up the story, including Vox, ABC News, and NBC News.

The counterattack against the Washington Compost, CNN and the propaganda organs was fast in coming,

“Our media are so, so, so breathtakingly corrupt,” Fox News contributor Mollie Hemingway tweeted. “They *always* mischaracterized this call — in a corrupt and fraudulent way. But to actually make up quotes in service of that? We are so screwed. By our disgustingly corrupt and unaccountable media.”

After MSNBC’s Hayes Brown defended the Post and praised its correction, Hemingway fired back that it was hardly a “self-policing win.”

The Fox story included the tweets from this useless tool Hayes Brown along with responses from others who are not lying progressive liberal moonbats. (What the Hell kind of name is “Hayes” anyway?) It’s a classic in not understanding the first rule of holes. When you find yourself in one, STOP DIGGING!

In a just world, President Trump would be able to sue the Washington Compost and Jeff Bezos into bankrupt oblivion. However, we do not live in a just world. All we can do is stand guard against the liars of the media and make sure there are plenty of other resources out there we can use to “Fact check” the fact checkers.

However, we are also seeing a flat out assault by the Progressive Liberal Fascist elites who are trying to censor what information Americans will be “Permitted” to have. These criminals might want to consider what may happen as they tighten their grip. It won’t be pretty.

We need to reform our libel and slander laws. You have an absolute right to speak your mind, no mater what the Fascist CommuNazi scum may think. It’s far better to break these jackwagons in a courtroom then to resort to “Other, less nice” means. It’s also more satisfying to see them utterly ruined and lying in a gutter in a pool of their own filth trying to figure out what happened. In the end, the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald J. Trump, was once again, proven to be correct, and the Mostly Stupid Media proven to be bald faced liars.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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