Did Gruesome Gov. Newsom plan to strafe protesters?

Good day all. A lot of interesting things have been coming out regarding the abuse of power by a number of governors, mayors and assorted Federal, state and local bureaucrats during the Great Panicdemic of 2020. Now there is a report that Air National Guard fighters in Kalifornistan were put on alert to deal with protests against Govno Newsom’s commands.

Over the last 2 years, we have seen the Communist terrorists of Antifa and later the Black Lives Matter, (also known as the Black Communist Only Lives matter), rampaging through Progressive controlled cities and states. The Governors and mayors of those Blue regions have done very little to stop them. However, it looks like Govno Gruesome Gavin Newsom may have planned an air strike in others protesting his action with regards to the lockdown. Here are the details from Fox News:

California National Guard members say a fighter jet was put on standby for a “possible domestic mission” last year, raising concerns that the military could be used to disperse protesters in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a report.

Four National Guard sources spoke to the Los Angeles Times about the matter, revealing that commanders were concerned about resistance to stay-at-home orders or chaos due to panic-buying.

According to the sources, an F-15C fighter was put on alert, which raised concerns among Guard members that the jet could be used to “buzz” crowds — a tactic often used in combat zones to disperse the enemy.

F-15 Eagles? These are not something used to disperse a crowd. The C model is a straight forward fighter with little Air to Ground capability. All it really has is a 20mm Vulcan cannon, although it is also capable of coming in a couple of hundred feet up at supersonic speed. It is NOT something you use on American citizens protesting the tyrannical actions of one of the more incompetent, authoritarian governors. Interestingly, it looks like they knew these orders might be a problem so they did everything they could to avoid a paper trail.

The orders were allegedly handed down orally or through text messages rather than formally in writing, which made them highly unusual, the sources told the Times. The Guard members described such a tactic as an “inappropriate” use of military force against U.S. citizens.

“It would have been a completely illegal order that disgraced the military,” one source told the Times. “It could look like we’re threatening civilians.”

“That’s something that would happen in the Soviet Union,” said a second of the Times’ sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they feared retaliation from superiors. “Our military is used to combat foreign aggressors.”

This is very different from the usual use of the National Guard when they’re dealing with riots. They send in ground troops primarily to back up local law enforcement, and in many cases, they aren’t carrying ammunition. It’s rare for them to “mix it up” with rioters and generally they prefer to “show the flag” as it were and try to quiet things down.

Using a fighter is not the same thing. They are used to defend the airspace against intruders, such as Russian Bear reconnaissance bombers flying along our coasts. They are also there to shoot down airliners that might be used by Islamic terrorists to crash into buildings. They are not suitable for crowd control, especially over a city.

Documents from the Guard indicate that officers discussed a similar F-15C use during both the summer protests and immediately after the November presidential election.

“It’s a war machine, not something you use for [suppressing] civil unrest,” a third source told the Times.

No kidding. This is what Turd World tyrants do to people who have had enough of their tyranny. The fact that there were no actual, formal orders also reeks to the high heavens. It’s almost like the situation that got Arnold Schwarzenegger’s character in The Running Man locked up. (He refused to fire on protesters and was framed when others did so) I have a sneaking suspicion that Numbnuts Newsom or one of his minions was thinking of the same thing. Making it look like an order was never issued and someone went to far.

However, this wouldn’t have worked. As the Guard members who were quoted anonymously said, these would have been illegal orders and they would have been required to not only refuse them, but to report this to higher authority, probably in the USAF. Any commanding officer issuing these orders would have been removed from command and face potential court martial.

As it is, Gruesome Newsom is going to be facing a recall election. I think this story should be used by the recall group in commercials showing the unfitness of Gavin Newsom to hold any office. The fact that he was prepared to send a supersonic fighter at crowds that were protesting his actions shows that he needs to go and soon.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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